Member Since: 1/8/2006
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Influences: life4land artists,senor scram and mds (ghost,edcox,stivs,Dr macabre, hellfish, producer, HMS ,All teknival / tekno tribes / labels / sound systems / collectives, free parties , free sounds, life4land, kemal, renegade hardware. twisted individual, ben 9mm, stay up forever, all the london squat party djs witnessed over the years, nawak, teknomad, sound conspiricy ,spiral tribe,desert storm, all the world travveler adventure dvd crew basicalyy, nirvana, dave the drummer, chris liberator, limewax,GOTEK , TNL, narkotek, loving the bristol crew vibes, dan fix's live set, jacks mental arithmeteks. i even like vivaldi and enya , whatever bring it on, i fuking love topcat and knowledge and wisdom and demolition man, ooo yaaaaa sesniie, pedigreeskum peeps, headuk, ely muff, ELYMUFFF, tantrum,weasalbsuters,osmik,mechoz, narkotekk, YOU GET THE PICTUREEE
Sounds Like: a psycopathic bounce of mechanisms
Type of Label: None