reading, sculpture, kung fu, computers, cooking, recently YOGA (though i'm afraid i dont have the patience for it. feels like im there for hours!).... do u really NEED to know? do you really WANT to know?... i would be pleasently surprised if you did. if you didn't, i cant really hold it against you now can i?ask, make the most of this moment. if your going to say something, make it worth saying. drop me a line if you want...then we'll take it from [email protected].
always looking for some stimulation. So if you think you're up for it give it a shot. Guys, gals, anybody. a good conversation goes a long way.
anything with a drum beat.... strong bass is good. not a big fan of catagories. it has to move you. rock you inside. simply speaking- music is sound, sound is vibration, vibration is sensation, sensation can be well.... sensational. or it can be down right torture.
far too many to list here... aside from lots of historical and political science (yes i can read) i love all of anne rice, dumas, and ayn rand. anybody read the davinci code?
electra rocks!!