Mas profile picture


standing in the middle of a whirlpool waiting to be sucked back to life.

About Me

you have to ask to know.

My Interests

Films, Martial Arts, Films, Music, Films, Writing, Films Oh and did I mention Films.

I'd like to meet:

same here.


Radiohead. Queens Of The Stone Age. Miles and Coltrane. John Lee Hooker. hendrix. dylan. Nirvana. that's all I can think of right now.


8 1/2, citzen kane, aguirre, the wrath of god, 400 blows, cries and whispers, once upon a time in the west, 2001: a space oddesy, raging bull, the man with a movie camera, ran, peeping tom, mon oncle, battleship potemkin, rear window, seven samurai, chinatown, m, a clockwork orange, metroplis, the exorcist, godfather 1 and 2, touch of evil, schindler's list, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, dr. strangelove, the bridge on the river kwai, psycho, dark city, the wild bunch, the cabinet of dr. caligari, lone star, paths of glory, taxi driver, mean streets, and a few more


Nip/Tuck, My Big Fat Boss (gulity Pleasure),


The Cairo Trilogy. 1984. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls. Anything by the masters Poe and Twain. and a lot more.


MY MOM. Anybody that understands me.

My Blog

Long done

I'm long and done with life I'm done. Don't need it anymore. I'm ready to die, there is no fear in me. My fears will go to the next person if they can handle it. Done for now. The next story will...
Posted by Mas on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:39:00 PST


Rest In Peace Ara. you were a great friend, I missed talking to you. But we'll find each other in the next life and we'll be best friends forever yours I'll never forget you.
Posted by Mas on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Laying Down

I lay here in bed. Not knowing why when I should be asleep. I know I had to put pen to paper and let it ride. I could remember my dreams. They start out to be very nice,, very vivid. But then n...
Posted by Mas on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Beauty? Has anyone touched it? I have, but I didn't feel anything. I thought it would have felt better than nothing, but alas, I felt nothing. I wanted to really know it. I just could not like it. ...
Posted by Mas on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST