Shakira, Kim Kardashian, Ice Cube, Dr.Dre, Michael Jordan, Playboy Playmates
TheDoors, JimiHendrix, Carlos Santana, Sublime, LedZepplin, BobMarley&TheWailers, BadBrains, MichaelJackson, JamesBrown, RageAgainstTheMachine, Radiohead, BeastieBoys, 311, Outkast,Big Pun, MURS3:16, Tupac, DR.DRE, IceCube, SnoopDogg, NateDogg, Daz, Kurupt, Dogg Pound,DJQUIK, WarrenG, KRSONE, TheGrouch, Wu-TangClan, ThePharcyde, DeLaSoul, ATribeCalledQuest, TypicalCats, Blacalicious, LivingLegends, 3MG, ZionI, MFDOOM, Madlib, Madvillian, CypressHill, PsychoRealm, ImmortalTechnique, Atmosphere, GettoBoys, BustaRhymes, Nas, Visionaries, DilatedPeoples, Shapeshifters, TheAlchemeist, MosDef, TalibKweli, StrongArmSteady, Eminem, D-12, TheNeptunes, 9thWonder, Common, RedHotChiliPeppers, Incubus, Deftones, Fishbone SystemOfADown, NSB, TotalBliss, Handroids, UrbanDread, Ekathis
Scarface, Beatstreet, HalfBaked, Friday, How High, The Wash, Kids, American HistoryX, Heat, Warriors, Memento, Pans Labryitnh, The Matrix, Forrest Gump, Superbad, Belly, Rocky, Casino, RagingBull, Taxi Driver, RebelWithoutACause
Robot Chicken, AquaTeenHungerForce, Simpsons, FamilyGuy, SouthPark, The Sopranos, Weeds, WWEwrestling, Martin, InLivingColor, TheWayansBros, TomGreen show, Jackass, WildBoyz, Fight Quest
"There's a God on the Mic" "The Outsiders", X-Men, Superman, Spiderman comic books
Bob Marley, Jim Morrison, OldDirtyBastard, Gandhi, MartinLutherKing, Muhammad Ali, Marilyn Monroe, Hugh Hefner, Al Pacino, RobertDeNiro, Joe Pesci, Tupac