Mike Nguyen, photography, collecting vintage cameras, family, my life, politeness, wine, over-sized rings, peace, World of Warcraft, tranquility, adventures, nature, animals, tea, painting, drawing, reading, cooking, privacy, Asian culture, vintage sunglasses, vintage shoes, and macabre things.
Model Mayhem
Models, hair stylist, makeup artist, wardrobe to collaborate with. And I'd love to find a magazine, which would love to publish my work in their zine.
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Mike Tim Nguyen♥
One of my biggest influences that taught me a lot more than I knew about photography and to not be afraid of trying new things. He has inspired me to work harder for my dreams, and showed me how to be a stronger person. He is my boyfriend; my life, my future, my everything, and I can honestly say one of my best friend's. I love him more than anything. He is like family to me. Everyday that he is in my life my love for him grows stronger and stronger. I honestly can say I found my soul mate. My boyfriend Mike Tim Nguyen.