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I'd Like To Welcome You To "FIGZ LIFE"

About Me

Born August 25th, 1982 Chris Manhattan Figueroa in East Aurora, IL. His mother is Mexican and his father is half Puerto-Rican and half Black, which creates a MEXIBLACORICAN. His life has been an amazing journey which he shares with you through his music and lyrics.[LOVEMYFLASH]

My Interests


Member Since: 5/14/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: I love this life so much I wish I could stay here forever but I would sacrifice my life too save a strangers life any second in a minute, any minute in an hour, any hour in a day, any day in a month, any month in a year, any year in a lifetime.... without hesitation, would you? I would sacrifice my life for a stranger too be able to continue to breath, because in the end we are all part of one! When you learn how to separate yourself from the materalistic things of this life while your still alive, you can use that power to achieve any dream or goal you have in this temporary place Man call's Earth. " CF24
Influences: "America is like a pool of water we all drink from, those who serve our country refill the water, everyone else just drinks for free" CF24."Experience in anything is way more important than reading a thousand books on any subject" CF24"Dont let things that happened in you're past ruin things that will happen in your future" CF24 "ThE PrObLEm WiTh PeOpLe Is ThEy jUs gO wIth tHe fLOw UnTil tHeIr FlOw gOes OuT whEn tHeY dIe, I cReaTE thE FLoW tHaT PeOpLe FollOw sO mY fLoW wiLL lIvE oN fOrEveR" CF24"The truth will always come out when your drunk, no matter what..... unless your trying to lie" CF24"The more people we meet the more experiences we gain. The more things we try the more we learn. Share your experience & knowledge with others & make the world a better place one person at a time" CF24"Whatever your working hard for in life, you'll get it, if you believe you already got it in the future!" CF24"If you can breath you can achieve the impossible. If you live denying the truth the only thing impossible is truly living!" CF24"A true Soul Mate is not always the Person you end up with, but a True Soul Mate is always the Person you will love Forever" CF24"Money - is something I don’t ever care about but unfortunately we need it to maintain in this world"CF24"U know something I truly believe anything you want in life is possible but if you have one thought of doubt towards your dreams than they will never happen" CF24"I live life thinking I might die tomorrow so I have so much to accomplish today" CF24"For everything that happens regardless if it is negative or positive- no matter what, some thing positive will always come out of it, because u can always learn from something negative" CF24"It’s like everyone in the world is doing things but nobody really knows what they're here for?" CF24"Everything happens for a reason but that doesn’t mean you can’t be mad about it!" CF24"Trust me nothing in this world is guaranteed except death!" CF24"If someone else can do it I can do it!" CF24"In a relationship betrayal is the key too failure, forgiveness is the key to success." CF24"Only the good will give u signs pointing you to where u belong, the bad will blind you and keep you where your at!" CF24"Life is quick and simple compared to Death which is long and hard!" CF24"Life is repetitious when you follow and desire the wrong people. Only the strong can rid themselves from the wrong and only the wrong manipulate the weak." CF24"Ask and u shall receive seek and you shall find knock and the door will be opened unto you" Matthew Ch 7 Versue 7"I’ma be famous so u better hangout with me while u got a chance” CF24"SAVE THE DRAMA, SAVE THE DRAMA FO YO MAMA....." Michael Nichols"I pay attention to the little things and work hard for the BIG dreams" CF24"You cant marry a Girl unless your prepared to carry a conversation with her for a life time" CF24"Be positive about life and good things will come your way" CF24"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6"If I died today and you're reading this I want you to know I loved my life so much and I thank GOD for every second on this Earth he gave me to help people. I'll be in Heaven waiting for you... I Promise" CF24
Sounds Like: You or someone you know was probably stupid enough to vote for George W. Bush the first time?You or someone you know, perhaps a relative or maybe a friend, was stupid enough to vote for George W. Bush a second time? WTF?Okay, you or someone you know realizes you made a BIG MISTAKE. Maybe two BIG mistakes.Do I have to even mention the failure's of the Bush Administration ?-Hundreds of Billions of Dollars spent in IRAQ with little or no success.-Hatred toward America has spread throughout the world. We are not safer.-Our economy is on the brink of a recession yet we continue to spend billions a month in Iraq.-Over 4 thousand troops killed in Iraq and I don't even want to guess how many Iraqi's have died. (Estimated over 80 thousand)-The rich continue to get richer while the poor... well who cares about them.-Vice President Dick Cheney is probably the most careless, unknown, big, dumb conservative IDIOT EVER!!!!! He's crooked and Corrupt he's a business man using his title as Vice President to manipulate and deceive, making bank off of war. What a disgrace that you or someone you know voted for.So you or someone you know was tricked and manipulated by the media by the things they hear or say without doing you're own research.SOME PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID THEY JUST VOTE FOR WHOEVER THEIR FRIEND OR LOVED ONE OR CHURCH PASTOR IS VOTING FOR... GET A CLUE?You or someone you know probably voted the two biggest Idiots ever, George W. Bush & Dick Cheney into office. These idiots have completely screwed up our Country and smeared our reputation of The United States of America across the world, as "war hungry" American Idiots.People all around the world don't like us and actually hate us and want to kill us. Why? Because you or someone you know VOTED for these corrupted misguided leaders George W. Bush and Dick Cheney who's actions and policies (WAR) completely reflect on you as an AMERICAN.DON'T LET YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW BE STUPID AGAIN AND AGAIN BY VOTING IN 4 MORE YEARS OF THESE HORRIBLE POLITICS. GET A CLUE. DON'T LET IDIOTS ON FOX NEWS LIKE BILL O'REILLY AND RADIO TALK SHOW CONSERVATIVES LIKE RUSH LIMBAUGH CONTINUE TO CORRUPT AND MANIPULATE YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW.(THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO PUT THIS)IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW VOTES FOR JOHN MCCAIN YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS AN IDIOT. AND YOU WILL BE BASICALLY VOTING FOR THE SAME IDIOT POLITICS WE HAVE HAD FOR THE PAST 7 PLUS YEARS!LET ME BE CLEAR, I COMPLETELY COMMEND JOHN MCCAIN'S SERVICE IN THE VIETNAM WAR. I ALSO RESPECT HIM FOR BEING A PRISONER OF WAR FOR YEARS.BUT HERES THE PROBLEM HE'S OLD FASHIONED AND HIS POLITICS ARE COMPLETELY CONSERVATIVE. HE WILL BE EASILY SWAYED AND MANIPULATED BY PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON, TO MAKE THE SAME KINDS OF BIG MISTAKES GEORGE W. BUSH HAS MADE. CHANCES ARE JOHN MCCAIN IS STUPID ENOUGH TO NOT ONLY KEEP US IN IRAQ FOR DECADES, HE WILL MOST LIKELY SEND US INTO WAR WITH IRAN. THATS ALL WE NEED IS MORE POINTLESS WAR.ALL THIS MONEY AND PRECIOUS LIFE SPENT ON WAR AND WE STILL HAVEN'T FOUND BIN LADEN?YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW BETTER NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES OF THE PAST.DO NOT LET YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW BE TRICKED TO VOTE FOR JOHN MCCAIN.Do everyone in the world and especially everyone in America a favor and send an invite to this group to all of your facebook friends and potential "You or someone's you knows" who might make the MISTAKE of VOTING for John Mccain.Lets prevent more tragedy and horrible Bush politics from spreading more into the next election with John Mccain.Don't let anyone or anything trick you into making the HORRIBLE MISTAKE OF VOTING JOHN MCCAIN for President. Sincerely, Chris Manhattan Figueroa
Record Label: Nichols Manhattan Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

A BLOG WORTH READING FINALLY!!!! This is not a blog for the uneducated!

Here is a message I received from someone who came across my page & listened to my music.______________________________________________________ _________________Body:Ok so i listened to your song .. an...
Posted by Mexiblacorican on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 03:34:00 PST

The Story Behind My Stabbing!!!!!!

Everyone always wants to know how I got stabbed and why? Here is your answer.I got stabbed in the neck protecting my best friend from a guy going at him with a knife. This was at an after party on a w...
Posted by Mexiblacorican on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 05:11:00 PST