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Football, boxing, my yard, "Big Blue", any good concert, drinking beer and that is pretty much everything (at least for now)
John F. Kennedy, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe, Kiss (all the members), Walter Payton, all of the Rat Pack and definitely the crew from Overhaulin' (so I can pick their brains!!!)
Everything from classical to country to rock to metal! My cd collection has everyone from Dean Martin to George Strait to Pantera. My all time favorite is Pantera. (R.I.P Dime!!!)
I will give any movie a chance but to list a few favorites: The Godfather I & II, Scarface, Clockwork Orange, Apocylapse Now.
Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, ESPN, CSI, The OC, Overhaulin', Entourage, Rescue Me
The Godfather and definitely the King of Horror- Stephen King (Richard Bachman)
My family- cause everyone in it has something to give that will make you a better person- remember some of my friends I consider you my family!