Music, Biosciences, ...Anime... Futurama, Acting, singing, joke telling, rocking out, Writing.
Everyone who inspires me. One person whom I have inspired.
Grunge Rock...or whatever.
Just to spin out a few: Dark City, Amadeus, Goodfellas, The second Urusei Yatsura movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.
Turn it off...Oh wait, cartoons!
Look, I go through phazes. I went through a Michael Crichton phase, I went through a Chuck Palahniuk phase, and I just bought another Nick Hornby book. So no matter what I say, it's just going to be a phase. I'll say the Bible because I'm given alot of variety in Authors. Oh, yeah, and the whole God messiah and master of the universe part too.
What sort of rediculous list puts Jesus next to Batman and Newton?