• Sports: Swimming, Basketball, Sailing, Skating and Roller Blading, Skiing, Snowboarding, Kayaking, Water Skiing, Tennis, Socker, Gymnastics (Trampoline, Bars etc.), Martial Arts (Judo, Tai-Chi), Biking, Track and Field.• Music: Singing, Guitar, Electric Base, Piano, Saxophone.• Dance: Ball-Room, Salsa, hip-hop• Photography: Adobe Photoshop (professional retouch), Photography Itself.
Lots of interesting people, but NOONE who CANNOT RESPECT me and others !!!
George Michael, Stivie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Mietek Szczesniak, Anna Maria Jopek, U2 and lots of others.
Tha Game, The Gladiator, The Kingdom of Heaven.
Comedy Shows, Cartoons, National Geographic, History Channel, Discovery Channel.
Science (NO FICTION) !!!
My MOTHER, Pope John Paul II