Brittany. Believers, (self indulgence), satanic imagery, religious imagery, tattoo ephemera, wounds, scars, catholic imagery, Heraldry, Freemansonry, CRAFT, COVENANTRY, secret societies, bones, skulls, injuries, wooden legs, plastic legs, tattoos, tattoo history, welding, spitshading, painting, tattoo machines, old bicycles, stingrays,lowrider bikes, 40's & 50's cruisers...colorful scabs, watercolor paper, old cameras diana cameras, medium format cameras.
My childhood as a 5 year old, lying in the grass in my grandmas yard in the sun, my head resting on my collie's side with not a single care in the world. hometoOblivion....ah...simple times
Daves IPOd, pretty much is the best!!!
Don ed hardy....HARDY MARKS. YOSHITOSHI, Horiyoshi all of them...publications, presto publishing, DOVER BOOKS, TAP, stereographs, camerA BOOKS, DAINE ARBUS, JOEL PETER-WITKIN,ANYTHING WITH QUALITY pictures, crime scenes, blood.....death books..medical books, anatomical books
cory rogers, jASON bROOKS, don ed hardy, p rogers, dan higgs, bill jones, tom berg, percy waters, cap coleman, the list goes on and on...