tattoos, tattoo related art, creatures from the sea, especially sea horses and sharks, zombies, pirates, stories of concubines and ancient china, things with wings, especially magpies, dog's with squashed noses, especially pugs and boxers, makeup, fake hair, skulls, freaks, anything purple, painting, drawing, art museums, tequilla and lemonade, mr mew, comics, dreaming
Interesting people with interesting ideas and opinions that are their own.
korean/chinese and japanese horror, switchblade romance, devil's rejects/ house of a thousand corpses, redneck horrors, jaws, zombie films, house of flying daggers, curse of the golden flower, Memoires of a Geisha, tim burton films, american history x, MILO and OTIS
blue planet, programmes about extraordinary people, like the smallest people in the world, the mermaid baby, the wolf boy.....
anything by anchee min, "passing under heaven" by Justin Hill, Memoires of a Geisha, DaVinci Code, Keats, Virgil, Edgar Alan Poe, Zen poetry
Yu Xuanji