For The Love of Israelâ„¢ profile picture

For The Love of Israelâ„¢


About Me

I am a non-Jew that believes Yeshua is the Messiah. I have only been studying the Torah for nearly 4 years now. I have so much to learn. I am not claiming to be culturally Jewish nor am I looking down on those that are. I like to pass along bulletins that seem to parallel my beliefs, but that doesn't mean I know everything there is to know about my faith. I believe that if we all followed what the Tenach says to the best of our ability and allow ourselves to grow with each written word day by day, there would be no other religion except that of the one true G-D of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob. I don't think the Tenach is for Jewish people only. There is one Torah for both the native born and the foreigner who has attached themselves to Israel. Why would G-D create the earth and the people, then only allow the Jewish people to follow his written word?This page started out with my love for Israel, our eternal home. But along the way I have added a few personal touches such as my photography.I am very empathic towards people and animals. I have a strong moral conscience and a great sense of humor. I love to laugh,cry, and to sit back and study people.I may not agree with everything my friends display on their pages, as they also don't necessarily agree with my every point of view either, but I created this site in hopes that I may be able to be an encouragement to anyone out there who also shares a love for Israel regardless of their religious affiliation.So with all the being said,if you are requesting to be on my page and your site is blocked,I will probably not add you. I do not want to take the chance of you having something X-rated or being a spam-bot.I made this layout for myself and it isn't for others to use. Thank YouI am making my profile public again. You may ask why I have hidden my friends and comments, well because this page isn't about who I have in my top list or what they say to me. It is about Israel.*Disclaimer* I may put up some blogs that I don't always agree with fully. I am putting them up for your thoughts and discussion.

My Interests

watching sunsets and sunrises
full moon
the ocean
unexpected hugs
kissing in the rain
late nights
long walks
dark rainy days

I'd like to meet:



My Blog

The Messiah's Hebrew Name:

What are your thoughts on this?The Messiah's Hebrew Name: "Yeshua" Or "Yahshua"?by Dr. Daniel Botkin------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------Dr. Daniel Botkin ex...
Posted by For The Love of Israel" on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 07:27:00 PST

Isn't It Funny

how some of the people on here claim to have Yeshua in their lives yet they post such derogatory  bulletins. Thou shall be deleted!!Imagine saying that as Yeshua is sitting right next to you.&nbs...
Posted by For The Love of Israel" on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 11:31:00 PST