Two girls with big love for power ballads...and lo-fi home recordings.
"Betraying the adherance to aloof stupidity that is almost a requirement for any band likely to be categorized as a "side project", The Folk Yous really mean it. While it's not clear exactly what they mean I'm convinced of their sincereity nonetheless. The Folk Yous perform sweet, double layer vocals resting on top of thoughtfully strummed guitar and ukulele. But don't fool yourself into thinking this duo (who could concievably expand full force into an 'Up With People'-like ensemble) is just fluff with no chops. Chops are the foundation. Everything else is secondary. The Folk Yous change the paradigm(like THE SOFTIES before them) such that any tough-guy rock-n-rollers in their audience leave the show wanting to sound just like them.
But what about the songs? Oh, the songs! While I've only been privy to a select group of covers the band has unveiled I've no doubt that if they want to expand into the original pop song marketplace their compositions would be regularly requested. So far the band has shown their skill at reworking classic rock into something other than a blase corporate memory hole.
I would have previously thought it impossible for anything or anyone to give depth to Asia or REO Speedwagon.
When the Folk Yous play you're just as likely to fall in love as you are to fall over drunk. Add that to the experience of watching the only thing in the world that makes Journey palatable and you've got yourself a damn fine time."
--Gordon Lamb, Flagpole Magazine