Travel... credit card and overnight bag. Let's go!
Friends, family and old school buddies that I've lost touch with.
Anything but freeform jazz, or twangy twangy country.
FREEWAY (Reese Witherspoon, Kiefer Sutherland) my new favorite! It's sick and outrageous.NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE, hilarious. I AM SAM, Gotta love Sean Penn. RUDY, BOO HOO every time I see it. THE GRADUATE, I think it's my alltime favorite. BLADE RUNNER, What can I say......ON GOLDEN POND, excellent actors. FAMILY MAN, favorite Nick Cage movie.PULP FICTION, oh yeah.... ALMOST FAMOUS, GREAT! THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT, Ashton Kutcher will surprise you.MOONSTRUCK,lovely movie. SLINGBLADE,Incredible casting, acting, directing. THE COWBOY WAY, Funny as shit, great movie. WELCOM TO THE DOLLHOUSE, off the wall ..... I'll think of more later.Is this too many chick flicks?
Project Runway, Law and Order any version, CSI Miami, Andy Griffith, Flip This House, Biography, Inside the Actors Studio.
I used to love to read. Now I'm too fucking blind. It gives me a headache. But I can still DRIVE!
Sylvester Stallone (at least when I was 14)Katheryn Hepburn. I read somewhere that she wore the same ole favorite pants and a sweater with a safety pin in the neck for YEARS. I feel better about my green rehearsal sweater (and the black one) that I've had for a gazillion years. :)