music, football, motogp, lost t.v show(amazing),movies, reading and social life
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i like all types of music near enough i really hate and cant stand R&B and rap all music like that deserves to be burned if its not that i will like it
lord of the rings, gladiator, kingdom of heaven, umbreakable, silent hill, met joe black, aliens, the last samurai, pulp fiction, star wars all 6, rocky, Hills have eyes, V for vendetta, Sixth sense, K-pax, Predator 1&2, Jaws, Unbreakable, Ong bak, The One, The terminator 1&2, Kill bill 1&2, Clash of the titans, Transporter 1&2, Monty pyhton films (great), Phenomenon, Face off, Daredevil, Superman returns, X-men, Spiderman, Sin city, Green mile, Forest gump, Me myself and irene, Scarface, An american werewolf in london, Batman begins, King kong, Dawn of the dead, The village, Donnie darko, Crash, Troy, The warriors, King arthur, Signs, Resident evil, Exorcism of emily rose, Enemy at the gates,
Lost, smallville, the o.c, simpsons, roswell and trigger happy t.v
lord of the rings, the da vinci code, the lost secrets of the sacred ark and the atlantis enigma.
Music Video Codes By VideoRoll