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I Always Get What I Want!!!

About Me

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Ok I am 21 I love having a laugh with my friends, I have thee bestest friend in the whole world who I love most of all, Super Shawny boy, and we will prob grow old together, in a nursing home, laughing still about Jim Carrey! I have a strange sense of humour i find Monty Python hilarious, i love Jim Carreys movies (apart from eternal sunshine of the spotless mind) i love dark, scary horror films with lots or blood and gore, so then when i go to bed i am scared and cant sleep!! lol I smoke and yes its bad but i enjoy it, i loooooove Mr Jack Daniels himself, i love the taste and the smell, mmmmm JD! I can most probably be found in 5th Ave or 42nd St, drinking the cheap drinks and dancing like a mo fo on the dance floor, with a bottle of beer and a cigarette!! I have 2 fantastic little brothers Kevin (18 going on 2) and Aidan (8 going on 58) and i love them both with all my heart, i consider Kevin as my best friend and we go out drinking and laugh each other!! I dont know what else to right apart from,I love to have a laugh and love everyday. I believe in myself but took me to live in Berlin to believe that and find myself! I dont like to be too serious and i am always smiling when i am out, especially with Shawn, Kevin and Our Danny!! Love You All!!
Name: Claire or Clur
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Birthday: 20/12/1985
Birthplace: St. Marys Hospital
Current Location: At my mums, but living in Salford
School: Fairfield High School for Girls
Height: 5 ft 7
Shoe Size: 6
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Very Dark Brown nearly Black
Skin Type: Perfectly Fair
Single?: nope
Do you Smoke?: yes
Do you do Drugs?: no
Do you Drink?: silly question, of course
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: about 4 im not into shoes
MCDonalds or Burger King?: burger king has better chips and burgers
Pepsi or Coke?: it all the tastes the same mixed with JD
Favorite Sport?: Sex
Do you Sing?: Beautifully lol
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Do you shower daily?: yes
Do you want to get married?: maybe, not really bothered
Do you want to have kids?: yeh, got to keep my beautiful genes on!!
Do you get sea sick?: nope, got good sea legs
Do you believe in yourself?: yes
Do you like thunderstorms?: there ace
Are you a health freak?: yeh right, i dont know what that means
Do you get along with your parents?: very well
Do you play an instrument?: when i was younger
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of Piercings: i did have 4
Number of CDs I own: i dont know
Style: indie, individual, lazy
Pets: dog, its at my mums house
Number of Sibblings: 2 younger brothers, Kevin 19 and Aidan 8
What would you like to get pierced?: my tongue again
Have you ever stolen from a store?: yes lol when i was about 12
Have you ever been kicked out of a store?: no
Have you ever stolen from your friends?: no way
Have you ever beat someone up?: no
Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?: no
Have you ever turned down a dare?: no
Have you ever kissed a boy?: lol yes
Own a stuffed animal?: real or fake?
What grade are you in?: im not american
Right or Left Handed?: right
Have you ever broken any bones?: i have chipped a bone does that count
Have you ever been stabbed/shot?: no, what i freaky question
Have you ever stayed up all night?: yeh, look at me im daring
Do you think your attractive?: sometimes yes
Who is your funniest friend?: Shawn
Prettiest Friend?: Me
Weirdest Friend?: Shawn
Do you work?: I do
Do you get good grades in school?: yes I went to an all girls school lol
Number of Past Regrets: too many to name!!
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My Interests

Drinking, Smoking, Drinking, Going Out having a Groovy time, reading, watching films, being with my best friend Shawn yay!

I'd like to meet:

Jesus (if the legend is true), Cleopatra (she rocked), Superman (he is real god damn it i have seen him), a real native american indian, and many more cant think of them right now!!


The Stone Roses, Oasis,The Cinematics,Snow Patrol, The Kooks, Happy Mondays, Jeff Buckley, Native American Indian music, Madonna (her old stuff),Stereophonics,Prodigy, My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, Duran Duran (dont dare laugh), Placebo, Blink 182, Enigma, Johnny Cash, and many more, there are too many god damn it, god damn it!! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


Star Wars, LOTR, Silent Hill, Dead Mans Shoes, Man on Fire, Iron Giant (makes me cry), Stigmata, Superman, X Men 1,2 (3 wasnt so good), Matrix, Labyrinth, Disney films rock, Godfather, Scarface, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, The Last of the Mohicans, Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead, I hate chick flicks, and im sure there are more films but cant think right be continued!!!


Smallville, Lost, Superman (cartoon), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (cartoon), X-Men, The O.C....and lots more


Ben Olkri The famished Road, Pleadians, LOTR, The Awakener (which i still havent finished), reading a murder book now hahaha, I have read the Bible for boredom sake, The Weird Stone of Brisingman, i love symbology, religion, spiritual, weird ufo books and things unexplainable to read!!


SUPERMAN!!! my mum, Burrie (just for you son and i spelt it right fool) for being a JD drinker like myself lol