Why country music is bad. (1) The lyrics are just unbelievably God-awful. They are often about topics that nobody really should care about. Examples: NASCAR, getting drunk/beer, getting hitched, getting dumped, a pickup truck, sitting on a porch, a horse/other farm animal, why a Ford is better than a Chevy (or vice versa), a tractor (not sexy by the way), he feels like making love, she breaks things, hunting, fishing, camping, and all those other things that only hillbillies and rednecks care about. (2) They can't really play their instruments very well. Seriously, you sound like shit. (3) Twangy guitars. (4) The accents! I'm sorry to all the people from the South that are reading this. I know you're not stupid, but you should know that you sound borderline retarded. (5) All the songs are either about drunken parties or they are depressing as hell. (6) Their girlfriend is always leaving them. I wonder why that is? (7) And she took his dog. (8) Cowboy hats, boots, and Wranglers. Maybe the reason you're always so sad is because you look stupid, your feet hurt, and you can't feel your nuts! (9) They all sound the same. There is just a male version and a female version. (10) "achey-breaky heart" OMG! You're heart broken because your girlfriend/wife left you again? Join the club asshole! We don't care! "Save a horse ride a cowboy" Why don't you just strap a dildo to your horse and ride it to the demolition derby/tractor pull/county fair? I'm sure the horse is better company anyway. "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" What the fuck is that anyway!?!
people who hate that excruciating noise they call country music.
In case you were wondering, this is some of what I listen too. 311, Beastie Boys, Green Day, Bad Religion, U2, Rage Against The Machine, 30 Seconds To Mars, Sublime, Taking Back Sunday, AFI, Something Corporate, Saves the Day, Cartel, Third Eye Blind, Plain White T's, My Chemical Romance, The Used, The Killers, Mudvayne, The Early November, MxPx, Hot Hot Heat, Goldfinger, Motion City Soundtrack, Unwritten Law, The Beatles, Smashing Pumpkins, Letter Kills, The Presidents of the United States of America, The Cure, Nirvana. Notice there was no country in there? Shocking I know!
I like movies that make you think or feel. And some stupid brain dead laugh your ass off movies too. Here's a few: American History X, Fight Club, Crash, Empire Records, Green Street Hooligans, Braveheart, Poolhall Junkies, The Boondock Saints, American Beauty, Ferris Beulers Day Off, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (and all the other Kevin Smith films), Stand By Me, Requiem For A Dream, Good Will Hunting, Bang Bang You're Dead, Donni Darko, Death To Smoochie, Adaptation, Pulp Fiction, Groundhog Day, The Matrix Trilogy, X-Men 1+2+3, The United States Of Leland, Manic....
Family Guy, Boy Meets World, ER, Scrubs, Everwood, South Park, Undeclared, ESPN, Baseball Tonight...
If you like country, then you probably don't know what a book is.
I would also like to express my feelings on some more important yet similar subjects. Rodeos: Not only is this event really lame, it's cruel. It's torturous to animals. I don't even understand how they can still exist. Bull riding? Let's see how long you can sit on the giant pissed off beast with sharp horns. Sounds like fun! Or lets let a poor little sheep out of it's tiny cage and watch it run for it's life before we lasso it, flip it on it's back, tie it's legs together, and drag it back to its cage. That's really nice. Horse riding in general. Now I know a lot of people truly love their horses and take care of them. But I don't feel it's necessary to ride them. How would you like it if I captured you, kept you in a small fenced in area, and threw a saddle on your back so I can ride you around for fun? Horse racing: they whip them! How is that not animal cruelty? Alright, I’m human. We, as humans, are omnivores. We are supposed to eat meat and vegetation. To all you vegetarians and vegans out there that disagree just hear me out. Our eyes are on the front of our heads similar to lions, bears, and other predators. Our front teeth are made for biting and tearing flesh. I know what you're thinking. It's wrong, it's mean, and it’s disgusting. And honestly, if I liked vegetables or pasta more I would be a vegetarian. Hunting and fishing for sport: aside from being mind numbingly boring, it's just fucked up. Taxidermy should be illegal. It's a trophy showing how good you are at hiding in the bushes and shooting clueless animals that walk by. How people get such a thrill from that is beyond me. Fur coats: there's just no reason for it whatsoever. We have many other lighter more comfortable materials that don’t come from animals. Plus it's just gross, so just stop it. I have been told to be more open minded and just try it. But I feel this way and it won't change. If I told you to go eat a giant pile of shit you would say that's gross and I would just tell you to be more open minded and try it. I'm sure there are plenty of other things that piss me off but just thinking about how messed up people are is giving me a head ache. Please sign up for my blogs that I will hopefully get around to. Peace!