Food, TV, computers, sports, buying stuff, gadgety stuff, computer games, destroying things, and quiet and peaceful reading.
Can't think of anyone. I suspect people put in politicians or talented celebrities or Drew Barrymore in this section, but why ruin your currently positive perceptions of those people?
I'll get around to this later. Mainly stuff from the 90s. Modern crap is, well, not as good.
Movies are OK, tend to watch more TV though.
Simpsons, Family Guy, Aqua Teen, South Park, Heroes, Space Ghost, Beavis and/or Butthead, modern Star Trek, CSI, CSI Miami, CSI NY, The Unit, Criminal Minds (stupid CBS and their high definition), plus many more.
Everybody Poops, Every Poops but You, and You're a Naughty Boy and That's Concentrated Evil Coming Out the Back of You.Seriously, do magazines count as books? At least I'm reading right? Right?
Hiro Nakamura, Simone Deveaux, Isaac Mendez, Peter Petrelli, Nathan Petrelli, Claire Bennet, Micah Sanders, Niki Sanders, Matt Parkman, D.L. Hawkins, Sylar, The Haitian, Ted Sprague, maybe more. Man I'm a dork.