There's no answer to the unknown There are no thoughts for the dead There's no warmth from the cold There are no words to be said
You can no longer hold back the tide of desire that has been welling up inside you.
so keep dreaming your scarlet dreams and love filled fantasies while i'll stay in the real world with out any intimacies. don't hold yourself back from something you want. work your hardest to make everything fall how it should. don't wait for the opportunity to pass you by. tell him you love him while you can. being honest. my world's changed. let's make it better.
i will race naked on a radiant beach under a cool jewelled moon.
He's a tiger decay
love is often mistaken for loathing. love is nagging. love is pushing you to do more. love is learning how to be the best version of yourself. love is between two people, two people who are ready to mature themselves in a relationship with the only other person they need. love is hard work. letmeseeyouworkhard
cracker83191 (10:05:17 PM): wet me when im died cuz im hot wet Paintbrush8971: (hey do you see I learned to spell "ackward" cortrectly since last talkign to you?" I love you cleo. sleep well. SPalmer2008: shut up you sweeb SPalmer2008: fuck SPalmer2008: dweeb! SPalmer2008: herk. SPalmer2008: ..fuck SPalmer2008: jerk.