Traveling, makin damn good coffee, imagining the things i could own if i had any money, medicinal plants, good wine, cheap beer, sleep, snuggling, books, photography, art, pajamas, singing to myself, driving alone (I miss my car), reading, watching scary movies in the dark, kissing, collecting artwork from my friends,
David Sedaris, anyone who wants to buy me a drink, your mom
Ben folds, Ben kweller, sublime, bad religion, suicide machines, bjork, beck, peter tosh, clinic, modest mouse, radiohead, incubus, violent femmes, steven lynch, the beatles, portishead, floater, the pixies, bis, social distortion, guttermouth, bob marley, tenacious d, janis joplin, nirvana, queen, rosemary clooney, patsy cline, blondie, pat benetar, johnny cash, the flaming lips, the gentry, belle and sebastian, damien rice, irish drinking songs, quiet countries, muse, the displaced, the swallows, the dirtbombs....
Zombie flicks, pirates of the carribean, the princess bride, kill bill 1 and 2, fear and loathing, pulp fiction, four rooms, rushmore, requiem for a dream, dodgeball, school of rock, most scary movies. the creepier the better, harry potter, the royal tenninbaums. do i know how to spell at all? and more.....i don't know i'm drunk right now so fuck off
Family guy, the simpsons, conan, that 70s show, the daily show, Aqua teen hunger force, sea lab, south park, sex and the city, six feet under, curb you enthusiasm, the sopranos, robot chicken, tom goes to the mayor (although i don't have cable anymore so i can't watch it right now....maybe i should start an internet fund campaign like that chick who wanted breast implants and just asked people to send her money....)
jeebus...........david sedaris, roald dahl, gregory mcguire, al franken, kurt vonnegut, edgar allen poe, harry potter
I have no heroes. Everyone dissapoints me. Especially you.