Dr. Ryan Gullett profile picture

Dr. Ryan Gullett


About Me

A Clown Prayer:Lord as I stumble through this life, Help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more happiness than gloom, spread more cheer than despair.Never let me grow so big that I will fail to see the wonder in the eyes of a child or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.Never let me forget that I am a CLOWN... that my work is to cheer people up, make them happy, and make them laugh, make them forget, at least for a moment, all the unpleasant things in their lives.Never let me jeopardize the integrity of clowndom by improper conduct. Help me to always make others proud of my actions as a clown.Never let me acquire financial success to the point where I will discontinue calling upon my Creator in the hour of plenty.And LORD, in my final moment, may I hear YOU whisper: "When you made MY PEOPLE smile, you made ME smile." fashion layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments
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My Interests

My life overall needs pretty much a complete overhaul, so i am taking an interest in that.

I'd like to meet:

Jenna Jameson, Chris Farley, Ryne Sandberg, any of the 1985 Chicago Bears, Shaq, Val Kilmer, Adam Sandler, Marissa Miller, Charles Barkley, Dave Matthews, Bocephus, Seth McFarlane, Early Kiler and all the Squidbillies, Dane Cook, Harry Caray, Bill Clinton(just for the sexy parties), Adam West, Cheech and Chong, Jim Carrey, Ralphie Parker, Tom Hanks, Will Farrel, Dave Chappelle, etc Steve Guitar Duel (From Film Crossroads)

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I rock anything from the 1980's anytime i can, HIM, Cast Iron Filter, Billy Idol, Bob Seger, Dave Matthews, Stevie Ray Vaughn, ACDC, Matchbox 20, My Chemical Romance. I like everything. Night Moves by Bob Seger is my all-time favorite song.... href="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.indi vidual&videoid=895078915"Joe Cocker - A Little Help From My Friends

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Dumb and Dumber(All-time Fav), Grandma's Boy, Borat, Waiting, Anything with Val Kilmer and Chris Farley. I pretty much stick to comedies and Patrick Swayze movies...


Saturday Night Live, Family Guy, 24, Squidbillies, Batman(1960), Weeds, Entourage, Friday Night Lights, Rome, MXC, Ghost Hunters, etc..


Coloring books and "God My Hair Kicks Ass." The life and times of Patrick Swayze(non-fiction)


My Family. That hot ass model that broke her pelvis in the tsunami, Walter Payton, Dave Tango(Investigator in Training)