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Silence of the lambs, Manhunt,Hannable,Moulin Rouge,Quills,Queen of the damned, Hide and seek, The Wall, Gladiator,Gein, Gacey, Summer of sam,Troy,Sgt. peppersand the lonely hearts club band, Eddie Izzard!, From hell, Red dragon, Kiss the girls, King arthur, Elle enchanted, Alice in wonderland, Lord of the rings, Van hellsin, Underworld, Liar Liar, Fight Club, Ninth gate, Cindefella, The Cell, Monty python and the holy grial, Ghost Ship, Close Your Eyes, Along came a spider, Monty python anf the flying circus, Monty python's life of brian, Monty pythons meaning of life,Saw,
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C.S.I., Angel,Pimp my ride, Video IQ, mad t.v., saturday night live, reno 911,Fuse,DEXTER!!
TRUE CRIME! anything about serial killers...like The a to z encyclopedia of serial killers, or serial killers their minds, methods and madness, encyclopedia of serial killers, the picture encyclopdia of serial killers.....u get the drift...and Go ask alice
Henrik Lundqvist & Dexter....OH BABY!