bellydancing, Polynesian dancing, medieval renactment, plus-size modeling and pageants, and FLYING!!!! I love walking and playing with my two babies: my purebreed beagle Belle,and my beagle-daschund mix Shadow.
Johnny Depp and Jason Momoa. I would have loved to meet Pancho Barnes, Amelia Earhart, and Cornelia Fort.Who I have met or seen though: Burt Reynolds, Laura Dern, Shannon Doherty, Wil Wheaton, Reese Witherspoon, Matthew Brodrick, Chris Kline, James Doohan, Marina Sirtis, and a few people from the Start Trek series, Candance Cameron, Jonathan Brandis, Swoosie Curtz, Zack Ty Bryan, Chandy Clanton a female on the US Aerobatic Team,WHERE I WOULD LIKE TO GO:
Myspace Codes
I like all different types of music,just depends on the mood I am in. Johnny Cash, June Carter, Elvis, Godsmack, Black Eyed Peas, just to name a few that I've been listening to lately. I really love to listen to music, that fits in to what I am doing,such as before I go flying, or while working out. I listen to everythjing while driving, a firm believer in channel flipping on my XM.
Walk the Line, Princess Diaries, Miss Congenality, Little Miss Sunshine,Flyboys
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I'm lame, I don't have a lot of time to watch tv nor do I have cable. When I do get to watch it,I like the Stargate series both SG-1 and Atlantis. I also am a LOST fan.
I like all sorts of books, kind of a bookworm actually. Nothing beats having a good book to curl up to.
Your element is water.You enjoy swimming in
whatever place has water. if you could be a
mythical creature, it would probably be a
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