Shopping, Shoes and Purses, Hair and Makeup, Dancing, Cooking, Gardening, Sewing, Guns, Pageants, Movies, Music, Cats, Interior Decorating and Home Remodeling
Other twenty-somethings. Old friends. People with similar interests possessing depth and intelligence.
I'll listen to anything, I'm not picky. I spend alot of time in my car, my Sirius presets are Cosmo 111, Martha Stewart 112, Hip-Hop 55, New Country 60, and Top 40 Hits 1.
All time favorite - Clueless! Any comedy, 90's teen movie or fruity musical float my boat.
Martha Stewart, Desperate Housewives, Sex in the City, Gray's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, Designing Women, Mad About You, Family Guy, Futurama, Seindfeld, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brian, DIY Network
Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook, Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook, Getting in Touch with Your Inner Bitch, Sleeping Beauty series by Anne Rice, Go Dog Go, The Bombshell's Manual of Style
Delta Burke, Martha Stewart, Barabra Walters, Nadia Comaneci, Donald Trump