A woman that knows how to have a fruitful conversation at the dinner table without forcing me to fixate on a half masticated cow rolling around in her mouth as she rambles on about what she saw on E! Perhaps a few people in our society today that actually appreciate being an American rather than massage themselves in pine tree air fresheners, throw on some Sara Mclachlan and convince me that protesting the circus is the most viable use of my time. I can especially appreciate ones who take a little pride in their writing as not to confuse two, to and too.
Check out that cornucopia of musical madness above this box. That playlist will inspire your soul.
The A-Team, Simon and Simon, Moonlighting, Mork and Mindy, countless hours of YouTube and any infomercial with Richard Simmons. I own a T.V. but I literally can't stomach any of the crap on it today.
Remember..."The book you don't read can't help you." "On Killing"..."Guns, Germs, and Steel"..."The Tipping Point"..."Lome Survivor"..."Founding Brothers"..."Angela's Ashes"...anything by Dinesh D'Souza or Dr Seuss.
The guy who came up with the name "Piggly Wiggly" and the black guy who does sound effects on Police Academy. My Mom everyone tells me I have a great ass but she was the one responsible for it.