The LOPES Family profile picture

The LOPES Family

Mrs. Lopes

About Me

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I couldn't be happier! Living in Savannah with my sweet baby Brad....(he's so adorable!!) I love our mornings sleeping in...I love our almost regular visits to Moe's for lunch on doing our laundry together, grocery shopping...all the little things in life...I'm so thankful I get to share them with him! I do miss going to hawkeye football games (although now i am sorta being converted to a Boise State fan as well), I love my family, friends and pets to death. Dancing is my favorite and I always have a camera with me...I love pictures!!! The path my life has taken has introduced me to the most amazing friends ever. They are the best! Unfortunately they are spread all over...Arizona, Japan, Chicago, New Orleans, San Fransisco, Texas and of course Iowa!
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My Interests

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| View | Add Favoritei love....Brad, being silly, laughing till i cry, the color pink, the ocean, booty music, cute little tank tops, cheese pizza, best friends, the smell of spring time, shopping at walmart in the middle of the night, strawberry poptarts, water, cheap jewelry, high heels, jade, sleeping in, the hawkeyes, family, scrapbooks, being girly, a rainy day in bed, driving to no where, nintendo, late night talks, lip gloss, mintah, my cell phone, animals, people watching, dancing all night, big sweatshirts, forever 21, hollister, camping, britney spears, anything random, being happy, singing in the shower, the french quarter, olive garden, april, target, gossip magazines, unique names, dreams, holidays, my job, normal people that are weird like me, text messages, football games, being a good friend, shopping, richelle, sunshine, making new friends, my digital camera, big sunglasses, wearing skirts, lotion, pictures, traveling, people who make me smile, bee, joe joe, calico.....I LOVE YOU BRADLEY!!!!!!!


Along Came Polly, Christmas Vacation, Back to the Future, Brokedown Palace


I don't watch a lot, but I do have to say Big Brother is always a favorite of mine. Oh wait, the best are Three's Company re-runs!!


My Grandpa!!!!!