ivoRyü profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

well uhm..am jz an ordinary gurl who lives in a simple life.singing is one of my passion..i played the guitar!!!i love bein with friendz..cuzins & relatives!!!a typical gurl who easily laughs & cries.an ice cream & a chocolate addict.fan of aaliyah cuz i love the way she moves & the voice "wow" she mkes my heart sings!!!i like to watch movies in big screens & on DVD.i love elektra(jennifer garner) & erin brokovich(julia roberts).MISTRESS is what i hated most!!!am scared of frogs..they really makes me scream!!!i dnt eat "okra" eggplant..& liver!!![they loses my apetite]..people called me ivory(ay-vo-ri),ivy(ay-vi),ivo(e-vo),iv'z(ayvs)& vy(vie)!!!watever it is that mkes u comfortable of calling me wud be fine.? DressUpMyspace.com - myspace layouts.? Get This Layout At DressUpMyspace.com

My Interests

[hobbies]...SiNgiNg...LiSt'NiN tO diff KiNdS of MUSIC...pLaYiN' gUiTaR...WaTcHiN' MoViEs iN BiG ScReEnS & oN DVD...sLeEpiN'...EaTiN'...SuRfiN d' NeT uP tO SaWa...CoLLeCtiN' pix... LauGhiN'...KaRaoKe DoKeY [interests]...MUSIC!!!...aaLiYah...JiNkY ViDaL... JuRiS...JuLiA RoBeRtS...JeNniFeR GaRnEr...KaTe BeCkiNsaLe... BaGs...sLiP-oNs...sKiRts..LiNGeRie... bLaCk & wHiTe...sUmThiN' PiNk...cHoc'LaTes...iCe cReaM

I'd like to meet:

New fRieNdz & oLd FeLLas!!! add me: [email protected] My Friendster Account: [email protected]


aCoUsTiC...aLteRnAtiVe...ReGgAe..PuRe JaZz...RnB...RaP...OPM...BoSsAnOvA


SERENDIPITY...The NoTeBoOk...WiCkeR PaRk...iF OnLy...eRiN bRokoVicH...NoTtiNg HiLL... oCeAnS 11 & 12...Mr & MrS sMiTh...eLekTrA...DaReDeViL...PiRaTeS oF tHe CaRriBeAn...TrOy...LOTR I II & III...MATRIX tRiLoGy...CoNsTaNtiNe...HiTcH...BadBoYs II...SeT iT oFf...tRiPpLe X...ToO FaSt ToO FuRiOuS...SuPeRmAn ReTuRnS..SpiDeRmAn I & II...X-MeN I II & III...MOULIN ROUGE


aMeRiCaN iDoL...qUeEr eYe fOr tHe sTrAiGhT gUy...JeRrY SpRiNgEr...ThE mAuRy PoViCh ShOw...PrOjEcT RuNwAy...aMbUsH MaKeOvEr...ThE FiFtH WhEeL...FaKiNg iT...PiMp My RiDe...PuNk'D...MYX LiVe...MTV cRibs...MTV's BeCoMiNg...ThE WaDe RoBsOn PrOjEcT...30 SeCoNdS tO FaMe...FeAr FaCtOr...DaViD bLaNe ...JuSt FoR LaUgH(s)... AmEriCa'S fUnNiEsT HoMe ViDeo...pLaNeT's fUnNiEsT aNiMaLs...aMaZiNg aNiMaL ViDeos


nah..i prefer to read mag'z