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Je te cherchais..

About Me

I'm drakeramirez

This is the 3D me.
Make your own,
and we both get Coinz!

My Interests

rencontrant les filles attirantes avec la personnalité agréable....
sexe ?...
pas vraiment...
je n'ai pas l'essai certains...
see you at the crossroad...

MySpace Layouts Free MySpace Toys

I'd like to meet:

[email protected]

friendster account: [email protected]


je préfère écouter des chansons sentimentales....
en particulier BALLADES...
j'apprécie le listenin aux chansons de BOYZIIMEN,
et 98 degrees.

les versions acoustiques des coups en retard des années 80 étaient également mon fave...
j'aime également le bruit, roche alternative et musique lente de roche!!!


je préfère des récits à suspense d'horreur de suspens de watchin et des films d'action....
et un certain porn. j'aime également observer quelques films defonte


i beaucoup préfèrent écouter mes CD plutôt que télévision de watchin...

mossimo bikini summit


je n'aime pas des livres de lecture.... mais j'aime rassembler des mags de porn....


il y a seulement UN héros en lequel je crois.... UN DIEU
et j'inclus également mes PARENTS en tant que mes héros... pour sûr sans celui d'entre elles, je ne serais pas vivant ! ! ! !

My Blog

when to let go

Imagine this my friend. In your hand is a very precious creation, so fragile, so valuable that if you keep on holding, it would either stay or fall apart. But you loved this creature so much, so much ...
Posted by drake on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:44:00 PST

questions to the one i loved

A few questions that I need to know, How could you ever hurt me so? I need to know& What Ive done wrong? And how long its been goin on? Was it that Ive never paid enough attention? Or didnt ...
Posted by drake on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

to the one that God has prepared for me

I am wondering at this very minute if you are thinking of me, if you like me, you are wondering what is taking us so long to find each other. Many times I thought I finally found you only to be ...
Posted by drake on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

down in her shoes

I love you, my youngest son. You are the apple of my eye. You are the best and the brightest among the two who grew inside my womb. Even as you came out of me, I knew you would be something special, s...
Posted by drake on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST