**...LoVeY dOvEy Ai...** profile picture

**...LoVeY dOvEy Ai...**

..WiSHiNg STaRs...

About Me

%D%A%D%A %D%A MyGen %D%A Profile Generator %D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A..%D%A
%D%A I lOVe To mAkE fwEnZ**eRmM..I'M kINd OF hAppY gO lUCky PerSon**LoVe To PaRtY...N ReAlLy EnJoY mUsiC**iF u gUyZ hAVe dA sAmE iNtErEsT aS
mE..wHy DoN'T wE sHaRE It!!! wHaT eLse hA..eRmm..i'm KinD aNd fRiEnDlY pERsON**!! iF yOu DoN'T bEliEvE mE ..sO wHy DoN'T u jUst Add Me As ONe OF uR fWeN HeRE!! da***** ............................

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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i dOn't LikE tO rEad BoOkS aCtUaLlY....sO..No FaVOriTe booKs La.....wHaKaKa!!! BuT iF mAgAzInE ...yEsss!! I'M lOvInG iT!!! As FoR MaGaZiNe...i lOvE rOtTw**ReMaJa**LiME**GaLaxIe**jUiCe aNd My FaV. cLeO...!!


My SuPer DupEr HeRO** mY dAd Of CouRse!!!

My Blog

ChEcK tHiS oUT bAbE!!!

Hello! Thought you'd like to try this out. I came across this great page which predicts your future Love life with the help of a set of advanced mathematical calculations based on the concept of human...
Posted by **...LoVeY dOvEy Ai...** on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 10:56:00 PST

**...31st OcTObEr...**

Your Birthdate: October 31 Your birthday suggests that you are a good organizer and manager, an energetic and dependable worker; attributes often showing success in the business world. Serious...
Posted by **...LoVeY dOvEy Ai...** on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 02:25:00 PST

hope for dat "CAHAYA" in my life...

Cahaya Dosakah akuBila dicintaimu Bila jalinan hati kini mengerahkuTapi haruskah diriku pasrahDiriku mengalahMemang cinta tiada bermataBisa cintakan sedih juga babahgiaKu ini terjerat kernanyaSesal le...
Posted by **...LoVeY dOvEy Ai...** on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 03:59:00 PST

"KOSONG"....This is what i feel now and i guess forever..

KOSONG Kamu seperti hantu Terus menghantuiku Ke mana pun tubuhku pergi Kau terus membayangi aku Salahku biarkan kamu Bermain dengan hatiku Aku tak bisa memusnahkan Kau dari pikiranku ini Di dalam kera...
Posted by **...LoVeY dOvEy Ai...** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST