No-nonsense businessman by day, street vigilante by night, writer of erotic novels in the afternoon sometimes: this is exactly the kind of life I don't live, but would someday like to. In actual fact I'm just like 90% of the other people out there. I'm typing this because I honestly need more random stuff to occupy my time. Plus all my friends are donig it and I'm TOTALLY a follower. I'd follow you off the edge of a cliff or into the ocean if you really wanted me to. Okay maybe that's not true, but I suppose it doesn't matter since if you're the type of person who would try to get me to follow you off a cliff, I probably wouldn't be hanging out with you. I'm full of interesting things like that. They say I am quirky but I just say I am human. And they don't understand, because they're robots.
Reviews Editor: ComiXtreme
Co-Writer/Artist: Redneck Comics .