Photographer Sophie (models wanted!!) profile picture

Photographer Sophie (models wanted!!)

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

About me: Sophie Chen was born in 1989 in the Wuhan City of China. She grew up in an upper middle class family. Sophie's mother is a famous Chinese linguist who has two Ph.D.'s in the area of linguistics and her father is an advanced architect. Both of her parents are intellectuals so they started teaching her to read Maupassant and Kafka when she was little. That's why she always has interesting ideas in her mind. Sophie had been practicing traditional chinese dancing for 11 years, and she always received awards from different competitions. She started her music life in a school girl band when she was 14. Her position in the band was drummer. After one year she quit the band because she felt such "big rock" was not her thing. Then she turned her interests toward indie pop, post rock and other wild stuff. Her favorite musical artist is The Album Leaf, because she feels touched and warm just by listening to his songs. Sophie left China for Singapore with her mother. She had spent a year and half having good times with her mother, then she moved to Canada to get her senior high school education. At the end of 2006, she made her first short indie movie and applied to film school in Chicago. Sophie graduated from high school with excellent academic grades and is now going to school at The Art Institute of Chicago to archieve her further dreams.
Sophie Chain's beliefs: "i don't suggest the use of drugs at all and i only recognize a certain amount use of cigarettes and alchol. I believe that human are most sobered and bright when they are without any attachments." Sophie likes Milan Kundera and García Márquez because their imaginations and philosophy can enlighten her life and mind. She strongly hates some of the noise music because she thinks it is "unemotional". "Our ancestor invented music because they needed melody to bring their boring and dull lifes some happyniess and brightness. But now our ears are lost in the sound world. Im against all the things which are emotionless. You all should be singing and playing in the name of heart and love. Pretending to be wierd and strange is nothing i recommend."
Her own words: Born in 1989, summer, from the uterus of a linguist. Mixed with Chinese and Kazakstan. i had spent year and half living in Singapore and currentlystudying Canada. I have strong passions in melody, words and moving pictures. My first dream was to be a dancer, because i had been studying traditional chinese dance for 11 years; second was to be a foxy spy, because i loved adventures; then i turned to film making, because i admire Vicent Gallo. i also took theatre arts, psychology and other courses in high school. My high school life will be over soon, im looking forward the university in the US. Before i was an insaned gal and had some stupid fun in a sucking band, but no any achievements at all. My fragile personality once led my life to the destruction, but unfortunely i survived to see the rest of it. Im doing a bit better now, at least i quit Xanax.
Lady Obscure's Official Website

My Interests

pee. postrock. postpunk. Post Modernism. indie pop. vintage. movies. vulgar novels. Lavander. Lemonade. jerkin. hotbed. no pillows. dilemma. morning. alcopop. union station. prozac. spiral lollipop. going down. Oral-B. hollow. automatic. aching disco. winterpills. teenage kicks. trance. deathway. Milan Kundera. daisy. Clinique. youth. pony. Greece. my hair. heroic dreams. Ray Caesar's waxy dolls. ..

I'd like to meet:

Another me... ..


The album leaf. Sepia Hours. Deerhoof. Sufjan Stevens. QueenSea Big Shark. Mondialiton. Chara. Advantage Lucy. Eel. Papa M. Happy Go Lucky. CoCorosie. Toy Dolls. Junkboy. Ramones. New Pants. Day for air strike. Bel Divioleta. Mark Kozelek. The Strokes. Shonen Knife. Ayumi Hamasaki Pushu. Exploision in the Sky. Lisa Germano. Maximiliam Hecker. Le Tigre. Sainkho. Rivulets. Vincent Gallo. Arco. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The Subway...Hate ugly experimental stuff. totally noise. .......


Little Children. The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover Virgin Suicides. Pola X. 29 Palms. L'enfant. Ken Park. Paris, Texas. Buffalo 66. Love Me If You Darn. Texidermia. lust och fägring stor. Panic Room. The dreamers. love in thoughts. Taste of Cheery. Mulholland Drive. Irreversible. Centre of the World. All things fair. The Blair Witch Project. Film 16. High Art. Lila Dit Ca. The Science of Sleep. Tin drum. 4.6 Billion years of love. The Last Life in the Universe. The Lives of Others. Bow. and many. . .Vincent Gallo, Hou Hsiao Hsien, Bernardo Bertolucci, Lisa Cholodenko, Abbas Kiarostami,Ki-duk Kim,Johan Widerberg, Stanley Kubrick,Jing-hui Meng,


Video Killed Radio Stars.


Kafka & Milan Kundera & Garcia Marquez & Emerson & Bukowski.



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My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph...
Posted by Photographer Sophie (models wanted!!) on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:18:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs - Collage - Morph...
Posted by Photographer Sophie (models wanted!!) on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:18:00 PST


View my blog please browse the site
Posted by Photographer Sophie (models wanted!!) on Thu, 10 May 2007 08:21:00 PST