Formé en janvier 2005, L'Homme Puma regroupe des musiciens d'horizons musicaux et géographiquescontrastés. L'Homme Puma s'inscrit dans une mouvance rock indé, s'autorisant des incursions dub,noise, post-hxc, enrichies de samples (discours, bruitages électronique), à mi-chemin entre Frommonument to masses, Sonic Youth et Isis. ---------------------------------------- L'Homme Puma was born in january 2005 and regroups 3 musicians of contrasted musical and geographichorizons. The stringent music of l'homme puma could be labelled as indie rock spiced up with somedub, noise, post-hxc incursions and enriched with samples (spoken word, electronic noise)... halfwaybetween From Monument to Masses, Sonic Youth and Isis.
Management / Booking:
[email protected]
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