Amateur psychology (i.e overanalysis of life’s little detail…a few of the larger details might slip in there too :) ), fashion, daydreaming about traveling, photography, avocados, flavored vodka, the beach, three day weekends and good quality people.
Trust me, we won't get along if:
-you don't feel the need to return a grocery cart after you use it, seriously..a cart return is not that far away
-you don't have a passport and/or don't see the need to get one
-You don't understand sarcasm
-You are a Dallas Cowboys fan
other than that...we are probably good to go.:)
I heart music and have an ipod filled with tons of songs I should be embarassed about loving.
The Station Agent, Office Space, Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind, Garden State, Sliding Doors, Little Miss Sunshine,and the list keeps growing thanks to my good friend, Netflix.
I adore Project Runway, Pittsburgh Steelers football, How I Met Your Mother, The Office
Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead (diverse...I know). Finished Blink and Freakonomics and am reading Tipping Point (I need something I can read a little on the train and then fall asleep for the next 50 minutes...). And, I think these three books are really the same book, essentially.
People that manage to handle adversity with grace and patiencePeople that can resist the urge to not complain about work (totally amazing and completely not me)