I got what i want... "...I'm Good...& profile picture

I got what i want... "...I'm Good...&

regret is never apart of me...!

About Me

Whats Good?!. My name is Delano and I live in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I want to move to Florida to go to Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts Institute of Miami to get my Degree. I want to be a chef. Thats right...a chef. I love to cook and be in the kitchen. Maybe one day you can meet me in one.... Oh and theres one more thing that I have to tell you about me thats really important... I have one of the best women in the world to call my own. April I love you and I always will. I appreciate you for everything that your not because it made you everything you are.
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Get this video and more at MySpace.comI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Well some things I am interested in is music, movies,meeting new people, chillin with my friends, playing basketball, handball and most of all COOKING!

I'd like to meet:

People I would like to meet consist of: Micheal Jordan Allen Iverson Dwight Howard Diddy but the one i would really like to meet is YOU!


The types of music I am mostly listening to are r&b, and rap. I play the piano and alto saxaphone so i guess i am musicially gifted. I have been playing them both for 8 years now.


My favorite kind of movies that I enjoy are scary/horror films. I love a movie that will just make your heart jump out of your chest.


I watch alot of tv for some reason but the I am usually watching BET.


I am going to be totally honest with you. I dont read that many books outside of school.


My main heros are the people that helped this country along with helping me to be what it is today which are Martin Luther King Jr., and my number one women (lol) my grandma. I dont live with my parents because my dad is dead and my mom is living somewhere else. My grandma chose to take me in and raise me and I love and appreciate her to death for it.