Myspace Layouts at / Jesus Mind
Myspace Layouts at / Jesus Mind
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God knew that it was not good for man to be alone, so i know she is out there. i also would like to meet other soldiers of Christ and specially ones who love drum circles and tattoos.
The Shantee, Mike Perkins, Ekoostik Hookah, TSO, and any type of uplifting jambandstyle music. if it has a banjo or a fiddle i'm down.=)
Boondock Saints, Kingdom of Heaven, Heist, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Layercake, Snatch, Lucky # Slevin, Da Vinci Code, Inside Man, Running Scared. pretty much any Guy Richie movie and most Quinten Tarrentino movie.
don't have time for data=""
the Bible, Terry Goodkind "The Sword of Truth Series"
Jesus, anyone that can live in discipleship as we are called to do, anyone who is willing to be constantly persecuted in Christ's name.