Ummm....well, teaching takes up most of my time these days, so I guess that's my main interest. I love my dogs, which can been see with all my other photographs here, I like reading, music, friends, family.....all the normal stuff. I guess one thing I'm interested in that is a little different is quotes. Quotes out of movies, books, speeches, interviews, whatever....if it's good, I write it down and keep it. I have a whole book full of quotes that I've gotten from t.v., the internet, the bible, songs, etc. I've been collecting them for a few years now...I don't share them much....I just enjoy reading over them now and again when I've had a hard day. Some of them really help to put things in the one here on my page.
I'd like to meet the character Grissom from CSI Las Vegas or the character Abby from NCIS. They are both so intelligent and have this wonderful way of seeing outside the box. Of course they are just characters out of a t.v. show, but still....there are people out there like that.
I love music, especially alternative and my favorite artists are the Goo Goo Dolls, 3 Doors Down, Staind, Coldplay, Lifehouse, Gavin Degraw, Seether, and Snow Patrol, just to name a few. I like music that leaves you with something besides the urge to bang your head against the that you find yourself awakening to at night...
I like a wide variety of movies, but some of my favorites are "Music From Another Room" (Which no one has every heard of Jude Law's earlier films), "The Patriot","The Gladiator" and others that inspire you in some way.
You know, I used to think that these people obsessed with CSI were just as crazy as all those people obsessed with American Idol. But now.....I hate to say it...I love CSI. My Favorite is CSI Miami, and NCIS. (I just love those characters Duckie and Abby!)
Some of my favorite books are: Catcher in the Rye, Pride and Prejudice,Jane Eyre, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Holes, and a little known fantasy called Wise Child. I like a mixture of genres, but have very little interest in biographies. I love fantasy because it helps me escape the depressing reality for a short time. I also love romance....not those trashy novels with Fabio's likeness on the cover....I'm talking about classic love stories like Pride and Prejudic or Jane Eyre....okay, I sound like a nerd because I have actually read those, but so what!
My hero....while all my family is important to me, my hero is my sister. She's been through a lot in her life and as always managed to come out on top. Plus, she's one of those people who might now always see eye to eye with me....but loves me unconditionally...whether she'll admit that or not.