I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
The Sanguinarium is an online temple and virtual haven for those who wish to explore the Mysteries of Strigoi Vii (Living Vampyrism). Founded in 1992 this temple has become one of the most influencial entities in the Vampyre subculture world wide. Visit the official Sanguinarium website at The Sanguinarium.net for more information.
The Sanguinarium endorses the 5 laws of the Black Veil and members of this temple serve as the editorial staff for the Sanguinomicon series of books and the Vampyre Almanac, published by Rakasha Books and Lulu.com .
After 5 years the Vampyre Almanac is back in print, embracing print on demand technology the original annual “yearbook” and publication for the worldwide Vampyre / vampire community and culture returns for a 2006 edition.
Included in this edition will be:
Previews from the upcoming revival tome of “V”, entitled Sanguinomicon: Liber Jahira (due out August 2006) by the Synod. These features include the Strigoi Vii Edition of the Black Veil, the Scroll of Maiiah of Dayside Vampyric perspectives, the revised Sanguine Mass Beta, the Strigoi Vii Lexicon, Strigoi Vii Glyphs & Alphabet, The Great Glamour, The Mystery of Jahira initiation and an introduction to Strigoi Vii.
Articles & Features covering much of the history of the Sanguinarium will be: the History of the Legacy Ankh, Gotham Halo; A Vampyre's Guide to New York City , the Sanguinarium Calendar & History, Otherkin by Th’Elf, Vampyres: the Movie preview, Long Black Veil: Uncovering the Legend, Vampyre Drinks by Alchemistress Ambrosia and a review of the Endless Night Festival 2006.
Interviews with prominent members of the world wide Vampyre/vampire community including: Father Vincent, DJ Lestat, Lord Vlad & Lady Sky, Dragan Dracul, Madame Webb, Jason Crutchfield of House Kheperu, Corvis Nocturnum, Draconian Prime, Lord A of Theatre De Vampiros, Talia Juilette, Lord Kane, PsiVamp, Lord Rexxx Black Vampyr, Taiki of Territory Occult Shop, Lohr of Bloodlines International, Baron Misuraca of Vaseria, Myke Hideous, Maven of Dark Awakenings, Lord Chaz, Jason Miller of gODHEAD and Lord Xanatos of Hidden Shadows.
This highly anticipated publication will be available with a full color soft cover with a black and white interior and over 200 pages of articles, galleries and detailed information on the modern Vampyre community. The official release date is Sunday December 18 th , 2005 at the Black Abbey in New York’s East Village, however you can preorder your copy here or from us now via our sever server from Paypal.com . The cover price is $19.95 plus $4 S&H within the USA and $8 internationally. Orders will ship late December after the release and in the upcoming months you will be able to order the Vampyre Almanac 2006 within over 25,000 bookstores worldwide and from Amazon.com and CafePress.com.
Vampyre Almanac c/o The Synod, P.O. Box 1223, Cooper Square Station, New York, NY 10276-1223
General information, subscriptions & back orders - [email protected] .
Editor-in-Chief : Girotto - [email protected] .
Advertising : Arden - [email protected] .
Interviews : Dragan - [email protected] .
Vampyre Almanac & the Vampyre logo are © & TM 2006 the VampyreAlmanac.com