Weeelll I like urrrmmm. Music, PHOTOGRAPHY, ARrrt, Urmmm I love creative stufff....
I LOVE These photographers...
Mario Testino
Mariano Vivanco
Miguel Revereigues (Sorry I'm bad at spelling :P)
Solve Sundsbo
There's more but I hope you get the picture...
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Any type of rock reall--Details? Later or just ask me
Ichi the Killer
Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2
Murder documentaries, CSI, Simpsons, Full Metal Alchemist, Wolf's Rain etc
I rarely read anything apart from when I occasionally read a Haruki Murakami book--things can be so twisted
My friends In no particular order Julia SEXYBEAST first of all…Clearly a close friend, we’ve have pretty big gaps of no contact but when we come together it’s like love all over again haha I love her a lot—she’s a very good friend, one of the best.We’re a;ways sitting around planning our little future together how we’ll do this and we’ll do that and buy this and the colour of our wallpaper—she is like my best friend. I can talk to her about anything and she won’t judge me or anything. We’re gunna get a flat together—This girl HAS to be in my future!!!I remember doing a lot of really weird things with J-J and also trying to be there when bitches and assholes had let her down! I’m gunna always try and be there for her like she’s been for me.Tricia I love this girl she’s really funny and sweet and so fucken beautiful! When I do stuff wrong I know she’ll be there to bitchslap some sense into my head. I can tell her ANYTHING and I know she’d NEVER EVER tell. She’s good for joking about too haha Can’t wait ‘til we’re old, we’ve got plaaans eh Cia-Cia? I love the way she can never stay angry with anyone, she’s got a big heart and she’s soooo damn funny when she gets pissed off. Aaww My Tric-Tric! Hahaha I’ve know her for ages from the bob to the sexy fringe, we have sooo many memories-most of them we’d both like to forget because they are really embarrassing Haha Like the Own clothes situation in Year 4…I don’t think I need to say anymore. I love the way she’ll never take bullshit from anyone, she’ll never just sit there a be a doormat, she’s a strong person and she makes me want to be one too…This girl will never tell you what you want to hear-she’ll tell you the truth, though it’ll never be too harsh. I love the days when we’d just walk around randomly on days-just linking arm in arm and playing the ‘That’s your husband game’ There’ve been some funny battles with that game.I just hope me and Tric will always be close like that…even if we don’t stay togther…Rachel This girl is totally my opposite , Snappy, Stylish, Sexy and Chink. We haven’t even known each other for very long but gaaawd we bloody click like hell- She’s soo funny, and unpredictable—I always have to have my eye on this girl, Occasionally the other way round. I can tell her everything and she will tell me she’s been through it-she’s trustworthy and very stubborn too :p—she’ll never judge me and I’ll never judge her though. She’s my pervy partner too, what’s a conversation without an innuendo or a dirty story-we have a pretteh good collection and we love to doodle on each other’s hands . This guy’s so fucken sweet and he cares a lot about other people. Haha he’s really funny- especially when he’s sarcastic or when he’s lying ‘cause of the eyes haha the eyes gotta love him! He seems to have the queer Idea however that I’m cool wtf haha. He’s become a well close friend since I started talking to him in the beginning of the year and clearly one of those people who just seem to have a lot of LOL days- specially when he’s pissed—I’m only happy when he’s okay though. Love him looooads + His hair is soo cool too. Haha we like to ‘divert’ from hist together and go somewhere else—most of the time we’re missing in lessons, we’re missing in pairs lol! It’s pretteh funny. He’s so sometimes gullible too which makes him even cuter! But really I can tell him sooo much and not feel like he’s gunna tell anyone or judge me- and I’m pretty fucken happy with the stuff he’s been able to tell me-cause he seems comfortable. He generally makes me feel happy ‘specially when he’s hyper or Rachel implants a song into his head which he can’t stop dancing or ‘SKA’ing’ to heheDanny “Bitch-face†Forni This boy is constantly Horny—He LOVES innuendos so much aaand good oooold sarcasm. OH SARCASM SARCASM--Seriously if his first words weren’t “Ummmm Yeah I’m soooo sure this nappy meant to ‘walk’ off my ass, right†Then the world is coming to an end. He’s uber funny and uber sweet—especially when he’s depressed because I always have this strong feeling to jump up and give him a large hug every time those cute puppy-dog eyes turn in my direction-he’s just so huggable-not that he’s fat or even remotely chubby he’s really cute. He’s very funny and I love laughing at his shamelessness when listening to the music on his Ipod. I can tell him soooo much—stuff I wouldn’t have told my sister even, he’s like another sister to me and I love him so unbelievably much. He has a very sexeh body too, so I don’t understand a lot of the things he does :p. And he’s very handsome-that’s how he can afford to be soo ‘shallow sometimes’ hehe we have our moments. I love it when he has a secret but he hides it from me-knowing damn well he’ll end up saying it—he really makes me laugh.Wilson He’s so fucken cool too—He’s well funny and lazy a lot like me—he’s the only chink who can’t be arsed to style his hair-yet it still looks the fucken shit (Meaning sexeh) He’s well nice but he tends to cuss the games I like XD Guess I got pretteh bad tastes. We talk about Ghost in the shell though which is a bloody good anime so that’s fine. I sometimes don’t see him much but he’s such a good friend.Steve Very hyped up kid he is, and soo generous. He’s one of those friends that’ll always be there for you even if you’re pissed of with him, Yeh he’s my Nigg’r aswell. Just started PROPERLY talking to him about stuff and I realized that he is also a pervert so y’know the more the merrier!!!