my interests include ..... shopping in the plus size women stores and counting how many old fatties and they're skinny horny hubbies i freak out Those little skinny men are so horny they alway give me the eye!!I just LOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE little tiny guys that i can bear hug!! They remind me of little toy dogs! They are soooooooooo cute!!!!
OH MY GAWD! I would just die if I met Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek ( u know Dr. Spock!! ) I just LOVVVVVVVVVEEE his cute pointy ears!! He gives me Cheap thrillsssssssssss!!!!!
Culture Club is my all time fav. That Boy George can do wonders with lip stick (he-he) Do u really want to hurt me???? lol
Tons of Songs at!
Let me think( I'm scrathing my cute head he-he) Anything with Leonard of course. And that hunky Brad Pitt ( he takes my breath away!) Also, anything with Divine. She was the best I worship her(He-he)
Will and Grace of course!!