My Life in short. Andino, born Andrés Proaño Paz Sóldan on Nov 2, 1981 Lived 2 years en UK then moved to Ecuador where I lived almost all my life. That pretty much molded me to the person who I am really identifing myself with my Andean roots alas comes the name Andino = Native of the Andes....... since my mom is Bolivian and my pops is Ecuadorean I got the double Andean soul powa !
In 94 my dad gets transferred to the U.S where I spent 3 years in Dallas, TX then moved to Lafayette,Louisiana CAjun Swampland country in 1997. I always had a love for music but in 2000 is when I def started trying to make beats trying to emulate what I heard and liked. Eventually I started getting better and with that my love for vinyl started and so did the sample 2004 I produced almost a whole album..... Mustafa Yodas "Cuento de chicos para grandes" in Argentina which hasbeen recieved very well in the same country as well as other countries in Latin America..Mustafa Yoda talkin about the my colaboration with him on the album:
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