YummyOmar profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Who me?! I'm juz ur average boy next door who loves girls?women a lot...Loves to go out, socialize, have fun, parties and some drinkin'..I clud be quiet at times especially wen I'm thinkin' bout somethin'..I can also be goofy at times 'coz Its mke me feel good when I see people freakin' happy..i'm a real joker..who isn't anyway?! I sing, dance,..and those kinds of stuffs,what else? Uhhmm..i also like to dress up, to look, feeel and smell good..in other word I'm VAIN and a fashionista at times..hey juz wana b clean..lastly..I'm a very versatile dude, also kinda benevolent but Devilish wen u got me mad..yup..When it comes to what ur askin?! I think juz about anythin..and by d way for me Thou can't Live without SEX..it is thy virtue...

My Interests

something interesting!!!

I'd like to meet:

everyone hir...specially pretty chix coz i'l make sure that no one will get disapoint!! Feel free 2 add me... [email protected].. u can also add me in friendster, same add!!!




horror movies! d best!!! specially films from clyve barkers,wes craven,john carpenters,george romero & stephen kings... i do like also asian horror films...


cartoon channel, sports channel, about lifestyle, news channel... variety shows!!!


no time for this stuff


the justice league