miss shannah. Ü profile picture

miss shannah. Ü

so inLove. Ü

About Me

i want power in my words,
passion in my eyes & when i wake up,
i want life to be a surprise.

my real name is CASSANAH MARIE S. MAQUILING . born on the 2nd day of May 1988, you do the math. im comfortable with people calling me by my nickname, SHANNAH. so that's probabLy it. i've got nuthin to brag about.. im happy with the people who loves me. and i have no worries.. live life and love deeply.

**iLoveyoubabe. forever and ever..ü

My Interests

i LoVe tO hAnG oUt wiT mAh fRieNdS.. i LovE tHeM sOoO mUcH.. tHeY meAn tHe wOrLd tO mE.. uHm.. i LyK mEetiN neW peOpLe.. i uBeR LoVe cHoCoLaTeS..!! sHoPpiNg!! gO oUt aNd pArTy haRd.. dRinK uNtiL tHe suN iS uP!! aHahA!! i LovE wAtChiN mOvieS.. tAkE piX oF mAhseLf.. eM vAin!! haHa!! i uBeR LovE piNk!! i LyK cUtE bOyS.. wHo dOeSnT!? haHa!! i LovE tO sLeEp oL dAy aNd sTay uP oL niGhT LonG.. heHe..

I'd like to meet:

People who can make sense in this world.
The crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. You can quote them. Disagree with them. Glorify or vilify them. But the only thing you cant do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.


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cLickabLes ::



i LuRv mUsiC!! sOoO mUcH!! eVeN tHoUgH eM nOt tHaT gOoD aT dAnCin' aNd siNgiN', i jUz LuRv mUsiC.. aHahA!! r 'n B iS mAh tHiNg.. i dAnCe tO tHe bEaT oF "MY HUMPS" by BEP.. eM LuVin tHaT tUnE!! uHm.. iF sOmE1 wUd dEdiCaTe a sOnG fOr mE, iD LuV kEvOn eDmOnD's "A GIRL LIKE YOU" iT nEvR fAiLs tO maKe mY hEaRt meLt.. aWwWw.. aNd yEa!! i LovE jOjo!! tHey sAy i LoOk LikE heR dAw.. LMAO!! :D BOYBANDS ARE A MAJOR NO-NO FOR ME!! yUkK!! :p


oOoOhH!! i LoVe mOviEs!! eSpEciaLLy wHeN iTs a rOmAntiC oNe? dEyM!! hAhA!! i LovE tHe nOtEbOoK!! iT mAdE mE cRy, ALOT.. mY tUmMy aChEd iN wHitE cHicKs!! cAnT sToP LaUgHiN'!! haHa! cOnStAntiNe!! i LuRv tHaT mOviE!! uBeR!! kEaNu iS rEaLLy HOT!!! aNd xXx 2 iS sOoO kEwL!! aStiG!! gRaBeH!! bUt mY aLL tYm fAvE iS "nEvEr bEeN kiSsEd" i LovE dReW bArRyMoRe!! yOu sHouLd waTch "THE GIRL NEXT DOOR" i luv that flick!! =D


i LuRv sMaLLviLLe!! SUPER!! i aDoRe kRisTiNe kRueKs bEaUtY.. dEYm!! sHe'S fiNe!! jUz LikE pAriS hiLtOn!! i jUz LovE hEr waY oF LiviNg.. haHa!! siMpLe LifE!! wUhOo!! i jUz gO gAgA oVeR paRiS aNd niCoLe.. haHa!!


bOoKs!? nAh!! i dOnT rEaD bOoKs.. eHehE.. i rEaD mAgaZiNeS.. heHe.. cAnDy mAg.. sEveNtEeN.. cOsMopoLiTaN.. FHM.. mEg.. hiHi.. =]


GOD.. cYeMprE!! aNd mY pArEnTs!! i LuRv tHeM sOoO mUcHieS.. kHeT nA LaGi akO gRoUnDeD, i sTiLL LuV tHeM.. bUbbLeS!! haHa!! aNd yEa!! cHaD miChAeL mUrRaY!! cOz hE sWePt mE oFf mY fEeT.. aNd jUsTiN tiMerLaKe.. biLLy cRaWfOrD.. aNd mY diRtY LiL sEcRet.. cOz hE maDe mE faLL sOoO hArD fOr hiM, tHaT wHeNevEr hE sMiLeS, i hAfTa bE sTrOnG aNd wAiT.. bUhOo!! sTiLL, eM heRe!! hAha!!

My Blog

Wait and Bleed

I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander over where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed... Goodbye! I wipe it off on tile, the light is...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:01:00 PST


Why do I love him? Tough question. I don't even know how or where to begin. I'm not sure if I could possibly find the right words to express what or how much I feel for him, let alone explain why I lo...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 03:53:00 PST

a story left untold.

People find it easy to fall in love. Yes, but finding someone to love you is quite hard. Others have them but tend to throw it away. I wish I was one of those people. But in my case, I'll love them in...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 06:37:00 PST

water is our enemy and body is our weapon.

  10 Things you Should Know about Swimmers :   1. We only do it in the water.2. We know all the strokes.3. We love going fast. 4. We are used to wearing next to nothing in front a group of ...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 05:41:00 PST


our english prof assigned us to write about our lives. so we did. doi!? haha! here's mine. hehehe! it's very funny.. i had fun writing it cause i was able to look back and laugh at myself for the stup...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 09:38:00 PST


This is my way of moving on, of saying goodbye to a love that was never meant to be and was never mine to begin with. You know, I've never really understood what happened between us...how and why we c...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 09:31:00 PST

em Luvin tis .. !! Ü

em digging this song!! uber! if i only have a boyfirend right now? id dedicate this song for him!! haha! im falling in love with it. awwwww. i miss the feeling of being in love. bummer. guys these day...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 05:34:00 PST

www.xanga.com/pretty_shannah wanna know more bout me ? go there !!

www.xanga.com/pretty_shannah go there .. aryt ? tenchuz !!
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

em oL out of Luv na .. ='(

i luv him soooo much . things arent where they're used to be . i hafta face the fact tat he's no longer mine .. and tat part sucks !! it hurts so much .. ! i dunno wut to do .. em sooo messed up...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

2nd monthsary SANA ..

shannahmissesloveswantsthinks ofdreams ofcries formarco  haaaaaaaaaayy.. monthsary dpat nmen ni marco ngyon.. 2nd monthsary sana nmen ngyon.. miss ko na cya.. SOBRA!! ewan ko ba.. nkkainis na.. ...
Posted by miss shannah. Ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST