'BiLLiarDs' sUrf D' net' waTcHiNG'eAtiNG'sOundTRipiNGs'gOiNG oUt wiD mAH fWnDS'TxTiNG'buLLy mAh bRO'
dont look for the "Hottest Guy" or The Most
Popular Jock. Look for the Guy that makes
you feel like you're actually worth a
second glance. The one that makes you happy
to be the person you dont have to try to be,
or want to be. The Guy who isnt like all the
rest.. but completely different. yet, its why
you like him, because he isn't like any guy
you've ever known. he's just HIM.
Wan't the kind of guy who realizes
i don't do skirts. i'll wear makeup
once in a blue moon. one that doesn't
need me to be gorgeous on all occasions.
The guy that looks at me in my pj's and
loves me just cus of the smile i wear on my
face. one who loves me for who i am and my
sense of humor.thats the kind of guy i want.
Wan't the kind of guy who realizes
i don't do skirts. i'll wear makeup
once in a blue moon. one that doesn't
need me to be gorgeous on all occasions.
The guy that looks at me in my pj's and
loves me just cus of the smile i wear on my
face. one who loves me for who i am and my
sense of humor.thats the kind of guy i want.
sTicK aRouND'LifE goEs oN'SO siCK'beLLy dANcER'oNE wiSH'iM sPruNG'iNcoMpLeTe'cRAvE'seLfiSh'WeN d LaSt tiR dRop fALL'yOu'bEndEd knEe'bEeP'nEGaTiVE thiNGs'sAy uL stAy'uR sONg'tiLL dEY tEyk mAh hART aWay'CRaZy fOR yOU'a gURL cAN drEam'uR aLL i niD'mAybE'iD sTiL sAy yES'cRAzY oVeR yOu'ANgEL'oVerjOyEd'whAt iF'yOU 1sT beLieVEd'aLL mAh LyF'
tRipLe X' sPiDeRmAn'amEricAN piE'sHE's d mAN' d 40 yiR oLd viRgiN' fOrEsT gUMp' hOtcHicK'FrOM dUst tiLL dAWn' sErEnDiPiTy' bEAuTifUL bOxER'cHaiNsAw mAsSacRE'sCary mOvie'tHirtEeN gHOSts'miSsiOn imposibLe'
jErRy sPrinGEr'cRIBS'PiMP mAH RiDe'sMaLLviLLe'bULagAaN,hehe'5tThwHeEL'aMbUSh mAKE oVER'PuNKeD'
i dONT rID bUKS.. mAybE magAZiNE i dO! ! !