TigerLilyInk profile picture


Self promotion and networking for friends, the MySpace way!

About Me

Hi, Tiger Lily Ink here, aka - Noreen. Thanks so much for clickin' in today. Your timing is perfect, you're just in time for the show, TEDDYgrams in Review! If you like the idea of sending special messages via irresistible, huggable teddy bears, but don't dig any of the messages you see, you can, CUSTOMIZE FO' FREE! Just message me here or email me at:tigerlilyink@hotmail.com to discuss your personalized TEDDYgram!
And now, here'sssssssssss TEDDY! TEDDYgrams can be ordered at; www.tigerlilyink.com.
Hope to see you there. " )

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

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When it comes to music I have a taste for classic Rock and Metal Bands that remain, tried and true, with a heaping side helping of whatever appeals to me that's NEW! Such as -
Spring Hill, Florida band,
St. Valentine's Massacre

Hollywood, California band,
Nick Black

Orlando, Florida band,

New York, New York singer/actor,
Ashley Parker Angel

British Columbia, Canada band,
Edges of Seven
So good! Here, have a listen!
If you're a band or artist, just starting out, and you find the whole promotion thing a bit intimidating, check out, STARR PROMOTIONS, where marketing your band and getting your music heard is as important to them as it is to you! Visit their MySpace Page -
Or the main website -


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