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Jennie & Charlie

Its LSU Time Baby!!!!!

About Me

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My Interests

Well since we are only less than a month away from the best football season in the world...LSU of course...That is my main interest right now. I have to say that I have only been a die hard LSU fan for only a couple of years. My boyfriend likes to say that he has created a "Monster" with me. I fell in love the first time that I walked into the stadium that was full of adoring LSU fans. But before you can walk into the stadium there must be some tailgating before the game, well ok alot of tailgating. We tailgate with a group called HATT (half ass tailgating tigers) and it is the best time ever!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

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I listen to just about anything. But my favorite kind of music is anything from the 80's.
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For those of you who are local we have a lot of great bands. My favorite is the Chris LeBlanc Band and The Chee Weez.


I am a movie freak. I like war movies, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings. But I am a girly girl at heart so I watch a lot of girly movies.
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