Role-playing, reading, writing, swordplay, The Book of Five Rings, Sun Tzu's Art of War, LARP, Burning Man, Lipton Unsweetened tea, friends, movies, Darkon, diners, driving, Stephanie, Medieval arms and armor, PC games, Video games
People interested in Darkon (, Burning Man (, swordplay and tactics, anyone in the Delaware area who doesn't mind hanging out with a couple, and definitely any LARPers out there.
Tool, the Doors, the Beatles, Drum and Bass, Electronic, Radiohead, Portishead, Older Rock
Far too many to name or remember fully!
A lot of shows that I like, but a few that I love
Sun Tzu's Art of War, The Book of Five Rings, The Riftwar saga, The Sword of Truth series, old DnD novels, Role-playing manuals, fantasy
My father.