So, I decided to overhaul my interests because it was all b.s. anyway. So, what do I do for fun? Well, that depends on who I'm with. If I had a girlfriend, chances are, I'd be doing whatever she likes to do. Aren't I so accomodating?
Seriously, though, if she and I can find some happy medium of things we both like, then I'm happy. I just like to DO things. Sitting in a bar is not doing something. I can do that crap at home. It's better there too because then my friends and I can get as ripped as we like and there's no issue about driving home. No one leaves my house drunk...or sober. Bwahaha.
When I'm with my friends? We're tearing up the city. I'm willing to do just about anything. Want to bowl? Sure. Want to go rollerskating? I'm down. Want to go to a museum? I'll meet you there. It's all good, as long as we're doing something besides sitting around.
I'm one of those collector people. Comics are my vice. Yeah, yeah, but they're for kids. Hell, have you even picked one up? If you want some damn good reading, seek me out and I'll steer you in a good direction. You'll be thanking me by the end of the week.
Uh, yeah, well, sex is a valid interest, isn't it?
I'd like to meet women who will let me watch them rub their forearms together.
I'd like to meet anyone who likes to laugh, drink and be merry.
Punk, metal, rock, jazz, swing. NO rap and very little hip hop. Absolutely NO country.
My current favorite - Naked Ape. They're electro-synth, which I don't usually go for, but for some reason, I like these guys. They have good musical hooks and it's not just the same thing repeated over and over. It's like the Lone Gunmen decided to make a band, so OF COURSE I'm going to like them.
My never-ending list of bands I listen to - VHS or Beta, Electric Six, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Rollins Band, Kidney Thieves, Curve, New Bomb Turks, Circle Jerks, Switchblade Symphony, Ministry, Machines of Loving Grace, Dead Milkmen, They Might Be Giants, Devo, Concrete Blonde, Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age.....more to come.
My guilty pleasure is Linken Park. I fucking hate that little anime kids swear by them, but I can't help but like the band. They have some great songs. Fuck!
I'm also a huge classical fan. I listen to a classical radio station sometimes when I have trouble sleeping. Bach, Beethoven, Strauss, I love most of it. I'm a big fan of Karl Orff and Holst's Planets.
Any film that makes me think and have conversations about afterwards. The Usual Suspects and any noir film. I recently saw Casablanca again. Damn, I love that film. Run Lola Run, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy. Being from NJ, loving all of the View Askew movies are a must. And since I'm a geek, X-men 1 & 2 and I actually liked the Punisher.
I have a morbid passion for zombie films. It figures the one thing I'm absolutely terrified by is also a genre of film that I cannot get enough of. Obviously, Dawn of the Dead (both films) Day & Night of the Dead, Shawn of the Dead, Return of the Living Dead 1 - 3, Re-Animator and all of its incarnation, Zombie and any other Fulci movie.
Evil Dead gets its own little listing here. Thanks to the lovely and desireable new friend, Stella for pointing out that I mentioned horror films and yet neglected Evil Dead and totally diss Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi like that. My sincere apologies to anyone who was disgusted and outraged. All I can say is - get used to it, pal!.
Hmmm, Dario Argento is good, but some of his stuff is a little too much. I get half way through Suspiria before I hit the fast-forward button. Although I do like running around like a dork and saying "sssssssuspiria!" like in the movie. I also like all of the Hammer films. Stella, yet again through her sheer genius reminding me of things I forgot when she mentioned English horror. Christopher Lee will always be Dracula in my eyes.
I am a tv cable whore. I cannot get enough of OnDemand. I went for the longest time without cable, but you can only do so much before you're dragged back in.
Some of my favorite shows - Monty Python, Monk, Law & Order (all series), The Daily Show, The Iron Chef, any kind of wrestling program, Unsolved Mysteries. Anything on the, History Channel, Science Network or TLC.
A friend of mine got me hooked on Degrassi High. Gotta love those z-grade monster movies on Sci-fi.
It's pathetic, really. You wonder if and when I get out of the house, but I manage.
America : The Book, Zombie Survival Guide, 50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know.
I just finished up a book by Greg Rucka that's based off his comic Queen & Country. Not sure what I'll read next. I need to stop by Barnes Y Noble to see what's in their cheap section.
The Twelve Apostles
George Carlin
Lenny Bruce
Bill Hicks
Richard Pryor
Lewis Black
Rodney Dangerfield
Benny Hill
Redd Foxx
Lisa Lampanelli
Dave Chappelle
Mitch Hedburg
Wanda Sykes
Honorable mentions:
Dave Atell
Kids in the Hall
Monty Python
The State