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mR. LiL mAn

YOU CAn AlWAyz Find BETTER! I'm LiVin' PROOF!!!

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Member Since: 1/15/2005
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MrLilMan Ceo of Skitso Entertainment, UnKle' D, ChaiA', WIkET TUnEZ, & JohNNy BOy! MrLiLmAn 11-16-79 SCORPIO:Characteristics: Wow, what a creature of passion, intensity, force, and concentration you are. You LOVE getting to the BOTTOM Of Anything, and adore finding out secret things that no one else KNOWS. You are a very strong character, not in a dramatic way, but in a quiet and determined way that is quite scary to the rest of us. You always know exactly where YOU ARE GOING and WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You seem never to have doubts or LACK OF CONTROL. You may be SEEN as COLD and RUTHLESS because of this intense drive you have. You have such a STRONG CHARACTER that you EXPECT everyone ELSE TO BE EQUALLY STRONG. You RESENT any INTRUSION INTO YOUR PERSONAL LIFE! You HAve a GREAT INNER CONVICTION and DRIVE, WHich gives you strength. YOu Don't question YoUR GOALS or AMBITIONS and know instinctively that they are RIGHT FOR YOU.Buy Our Shit On
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Influences: .. CDBABY LINK for MR. LIL MAN: Kali's Most Wanted Vol. 1 -- MR. LIL MAN: Kali's Most Wanted Vol. 1

Nuthang' but that West Coast Gangsta' MUSIC, wit' slappin' BEATS like no OTHER.

Pac Of Course, Cougnut, RBL Posse, Dre Dog, NWA, Ice Cube, Too Short, DJ Quik, X-Raided Loc, BroTha' LYnCh, Mr. DoC, Jayo-FeLony, IMP, E-40, CeLLy, CeL, ToTally Insane, SSC, Dr. Dre, and others that bring shit from tha' heart in other styles of music like, George Straight, Prince, Madonna, Rick James, Brooks and Dunn, Ralpi Pagan, Mary Wells, Patsy Cline, etc.My Motha' most of all and my Self!My INFluEnces, and Views OF WHO I AM and WHY!ICe CUBE "Tha' BaddEst ALIVE PERIOD!TUPAC "For BeIn' suCh A MEanIngFUL Poet, To Society! He OpEn'd Tha' HEarTs and EYEs of EVERYBODY!CouGNuT, "Tha' HOG/GanGsTa'/Eat'em Up, COLLAPSE They CheST/ BOuTy, BouTy (Like My BOYS)!My Motha' FOR Slappin' ME Up WhEn I GOt OUt OF LINE! Didn'T Alwayz AgRee Wit' What I Did, But alwayz SAt and Gave Me a SceNerio Of WHat I Should've DONE! and AlWayz Stayd' LOYAL Like NO OTHA' Miss U Ma' R.I.P.My GRAndMotha' CARMEN, For Shedin' WoRDS of WISDom On My LIFE! AlWayz BacKin' Me UP, EVEn When I WUZ in Tha' WRONG! NEva' TURn'd Her BaCk, UNCONDITIONAL LUV!!!!! Miss U G_ma' R.I.P.My Dad For Havin' My Back WHEN I REALLY NEEDED it THA" MOST! NEva' Lettin' Me HIT ROCK BOTTOM! U LET me Get Close To FALLin' But U've Alwayz CAUGHT ME! U've Show'd Me What It Takes To Be A Man! Have Money In Yo' POCKET SAVEd, InvEST In Yo' DREAM, NOT In LUXURY, and That's What Gets me CLOSER To My DESTINY!!!!!(MUSIC is MY LIFe!!! NOT For SHO' and TELL!!!! U CAN HEAR Tha' DiFfRence When It's a PASSIOn, or When It's For Sho' and TELL!!!!!!My UnKLe' ERNIE, FOr Shoin' Me Tha' MeanIn' Of SUCCESS, Average House, Average Cars, and A FAT ASS BanK AccT. and FAT ASS POCKETS! My INVESToR Ya'll !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanx FOr Bein' A UnKLe' and A BEST FRIEND G'!!!!------------
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Sounds Like:Sound Like No Otha' Mah'FuCkA'!MUSIC is MY LIFe!!! NOT For SHO' and TELL!!!! U CAN HEAR Tha' DiFfRence When It's a PASSIOn, or When It's For ShO' and TELL!!!!!!They Ain't GOT Tha' DRIVE, Every BOdy WaNNa RAP, & BRAGG That They RAPPERS, I've GOT a PASSIon That BURNS inSIDE When I HIT THA MIC!!!!!It Aint A GAME, LIKE E-40 SAID "Ya'll Lookin' For Tha' FAST DOLLAR, and I'm LOOKIn' For Tha' SLOW NICKEL!" I'm Here To STAY & "U CAN HEAR IT!""OTha's FALL OFF!" MrLiLmAn_Tha' OnLy 1 On "SKITSO ENT."
Record Label: Bloc*Star Ent./ Skitso Entertainment
Type of Label: Indie

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Digital Distribution!

""Everybody Check It OUt! I'm On Download up to 16 diffrent tracks of my own and Start Bumpin' My Shit in YOur iPods everywhere! Thanx for tha' Support and much LUV and RESPECTS to all my F...
Posted by mR. LiL mAn on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 07:29:00 PST

sKiTso EnT. & Lil Man Doin' IT B-eye-ITCH!!!!

Be On Tha' LOOK oUT We COMin' UP!!!! EveryBody Be SAYIN' They doin' IT, But They Ain't HunGry Like Me Muh'FuckA'h...
Posted by mR. LiL mAn on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 09:24:00 PST

My InFLueNCes, and Views OF WHo I Am and WHY!!!!

My INFluEnces, and Views OF WHO I AM and WHY! Me, My Self, And my MoTha'FuCkeN I--! ICe CUBE "Tha' BaddEst MuH'FucKa' ALIVE PERIOD! TUPAC "For BeIn' suCh A MEanIngFUL Poet, To Society! He OpEn'd Tha...
Posted by mR. LiL mAn on Tue, 30 May 2006 11:56:00 PST

Order at

Buy "Kali's Most Wanted Vol.1" now at  
Posted by mR. LiL mAn on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:28:00 PST