(---â„¢J.A.M.E.Zâ„¢---) profile picture


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My name is Jamez and I am the guitarist for a band called Kronik Disorder. I am originally from Cape Cod, Mass but consider Florida my home. I have 5 kids, a loving supportive wife and a few really good friends. Metal is my driving force.....I live for the moshpit! I don't drink much (tequila when I do) but I luv my green, buddy, herbal remedies. I have a short temper (especially in the mornings) and have zero tolerence for ignorant people. I pay a lot of attention to World events, politics...etc and HATE GEORGE W. BUSH! I have a very twisted yet scientific view of religion as well as our origins. I am disgusted with the human race for our inability to treat the planet the way it deserves.

My Interests

Guitar, sex, music creation in any form, sex, moshing, sex, live shows, sex, METAL, drawing, sex, painting, world events, politics, sex, reading, and did I mention sex...I am a man u know!

I'd like to meet:

I don't really care....I meet a lot of people all of the time. Fame is an illusion....who cares!


Metal, Punk, Hardcore, Psychodelic, Techno, and anything else that gets my fucking heart pumping!! Pantera, Slayer, Old Skewl Metallica, Chimaira, Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Agnostic Front, SOD, Janis Joplin, Led Zepplin, The Exploited, I LOVE MUSIC!


Sci-Fi, Thrillers, Horror, anything with good special effects.


CNN and Sci-Fi Network


Anything I can learn from. I have never been into fiction....I like reading real shit. You should check out a book called Fingerprints Of The Gods by Graham Hancock. That book sent me on a journey. I like to read between the lines when it comes to anything to do with history and politics.


My mother has always been a big hero to me. She struggled as a single mother to take care of my sister and I.
My father became a hero of mine about 15 years ago. He was never a big part of my childhood due to his alcoholism. About 15 years ago he, and my stepmother decided to quit drinking and they completely turned their lives around. They have earned a great deal of respect and admiration from me so I do consider my dad one of my biggest heroes!
Anyone who can lead this great country of ours back to greatness. The last 7.5 years our country has been hijacked by a power hungry group of people that have severed our liberty. Anyone that can bring us back to where we ought to be will earn my respect as a hero!

My Blog


surrounded and crowded but left all alone screaming forever the silence of stone empty with fullness of things never clear stand up to all shivered with fear faces of nothing follow around chasing the...
Posted by (---"J.A.M.E.Z"---) on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 09:34:00 PST


Happiness is all about perspective.  When do you really know when you have achieved it?  I have reached a crossroad in my life.  A road with many different directional possibilities.&nb...
Posted by (---"J.A.M.E.Z"---) on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 07:49:00 PST

Life in Pixels!

Within our small perspectives we will never know the true purpose of our reality.  A larger image graphic is made up of many small pixels.  What if our entire u...
Posted by (---"J.A.M.E.Z"---) on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:41:00 PST

Bacteria and Humans

..TR> ..TR> ..TR> ..TR>  Bacteria and Humans 2004-10-13 22:591 comment ..TR> ..TR> by Flemming FunchSquare Bacteria? Apparently yes. Researchers have managed to grow this square bacteriu...
Posted by (---"J.A.M.E.Z"---) on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 04:50:00 PST

Dictators Greed

Dictators Greed   In the wasteland youve planted the seeds All you are....Dictators of Greed Seeking dark riches with weapons of war Nothing fufills you...you keep wanting more The way that you ...
Posted by (---"J.A.M.E.Z"---) on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 02:51:00 PST


Angry Circle   Step to the plate your fate determined broken traces of your mind with thoughts of pain Let it all out the bitter anger fuels from within drives you insane   step up to the an...
Posted by (---"J.A.M.E.Z"---) on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 02:08:00 PST


They walk amidst their disregard They walk with wind to sail the stars They make the savage and waken the beast They create a fire ot greeds own feast They hunger for more than nature would need They ...
Posted by (---"J.A.M.E.Z"---) on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 02:12:00 PST

Entry . 1

The endall to our species is approaching quickly.  Humanity seems to sit by and watch our leaders bury us into a hole.  It is a shame that people cannot seem to get a grip of themselves beca...
Posted by (---"J.A.M.E.Z"---) on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 08:28:00 PST