How about exactly who I dont like to meet, and actually hate:Number oneeeeee: Stuck up, cocky ignorant people who think they are hotter, or better than everyone else, u arent! 2: People who act ghetto and really arent, or even ghetto people! 3: Rude people, who think just becuz theyve known u along time they are entitled to say the rudest stuff to u, i dont think so 4. People who rely solely on how they look and dont care to have a personality or anything else...... 5. Someone who constantly spends time ripping on other people and making everyone else look bad, instead of having a real convo and a real life! 6. Cheaters who like to hurt, take advantage and run over people, and would hate if it was done back to them 7. Liars that believe their own lies, yeah seriously liars who start to believe their own lies becuz they do it so much! 8. Two sidedness, nothing is worse than someone who acts to be ur best friend and then talks behind ur back and works against u at the same time (boyfriends fit this two sided stuff, not just friends!) 9. Materialistic people, yeah so i love stuff, i love shopping and presents but if its all ur obsessed about is materialistic stuff, and dont care if someone even loves u or cares for u, then u have a cheap life. 10. Easy people, guys and girls...yeah its nasty if a girl gets around, but guys think they are some kinda pimp cuz they do? mmmmm still sick...not interested ;)